Karma for a booster
Last night I had an interesting encounter with one of those “give me____ and I quit”. This dude messaged me before the game started and I immediately declined. So he responds with a snarky “fine be like that”. Of course he was the home team playing at Coors and immediately started hitting bombs off All Star pitching difficulty. I really didn’t care as I was going to be hitting bombs too. However my ability to hit all of a sudden started becoming warning track heroes. I was like whatever it’s just events. If it was RS I would’ve been pissed with perfect perfect input flying out to the warning track at Coors. So the 3rd inning rolls around and I’m down 5-1. I pause to bring in a pinch hitter for my pitcher. I then unpause and realize that my opponent is now paused. 3 minutes into his pause timer and only having 30 seconds left on the timer he starts messaging me asking “you mad bruh”. He messaged me twice in that same period. I’m like you’re the one who is paused not me. His pause timer runs out and of course I hand him the loss. After the game I messaged him and pointed out that next time he might want to pay more attention to what’s going on Instead of acting like an [censored] messaging me. He got what he deserved. His response, “I don’t got no time for you”. How ironic!!!
The other day I had a guy message me and I decided to send the same exact message back to him, when he would respond, i'd respond with the same thing.. that went like 5 messages deep. he was confused. He was winning going into the bottom of the 3rd. (he said he'd quit if I gave him HR for a couple players). With 2 outs he messages me "Should've taken the easy win". Next pitch two run HR to tie. Then I proceed to win.... I said "should've waited until you got that last out"... he acted like he did it on purpose... either way I enjoy these moments
@jjsmith605 said in Karma for a booster:
The other day I had a guy message me and I decided to send the same exact message back to him, when he would respond, i'd respond with the same thing.. that went like 5 messages deep. he was confused. He was winning going into the bottom of the 3rd. (he said he'd quit if I gave him HR for a couple players). With 2 outs he messages me "Should've taken the easy win". Next pitch two run HR to tie. Then I proceed to win.... I said "should've waited until you got that last out"... he acted like he did it on purpose... either way I enjoy these moments
Lol, they get what they deserve
I was playing a much better player, and most of the game he would not throw a pitch and just stand on the mound. In the 9th he was up by 1 run. He started pulling the standing on the mound thing. I would pause for 5 seconds and come back. Then he would do it again, so I paused again. After 5 more times of this, he then paused as well. I came back into play and he times out and I took the forfeit win. So ridiculous.
Had a guy step off the mound 30 straight times, cuz I would take an extra step while leading off. So annoying
@SaldanaBros5 said in Karma for a booster:
Had a guy step off the mound 30 straight times, cuz I would take an extra step while leading off. So annoying
Honestly if someone has a 90+ speed guy on first and tries taking an extra step ill throw over 100 times if they keep taking the step. 1 step with high speed is basically a guaranteed steal.
I had a guy who wasn’t even trolling for stats - we were just playing. Normal event game. 0 - 0 in the top of the 3rd and I drove in one run to take a lead. He then proceeded to just throw the ball all over the yard so I couldn’t get out. He would throw way outside the zone, so if I tried to strike out, the catcher would miss and I’d go to first. This nonsense went on for about 20 minutes until they finally called the game for griefing - it was like 44 - 0.
It was incredibly annoying...but I tried to focus on the silver lining that got a lot of runs toward prestige players.
I find it odd that people are willing to waste their own time just to be a [censored].
@SaldanaBros5 said in Karma for a booster:
Had a guy step off the mound 30 straight times, cuz I would take an extra step while leading off. So annoying
You should have stayed out of this one. Unless there's 2 outs, there are a TON of people who would do this. You're already given a lead, if it's a speedy guy nobody is trying to give you an extra base for free, even a pitchout can't stop it a lot of the time.
@SaldanaBros5 said in Karma for a booster:
Had a guy step off the mound 30 straight times, cuz I would take an extra step while leading off. So annoying
Ever hear of cause and effect? If you don’t want someone stepping off the mound 30 times, don’t take an extra step 30 times. It’s easy enough to steal with no additional lead. With an extra step he may as well just give you second. You have no one to blame but yourself on that one.
And before you start with the “in real life, some runners take larger leads...”, this isn’t real life. It’s a video game, and a flawed one at that. The current system is incredibly unbalanced. The runner even dives back to the bag for you automatically without any input, and it is [censored] near impossible to actually pick someone off in these standoffs. You’re more likely to throw the ball away. Until SDS comes up with something better, you can expect opponents to continue to step off until you stop.
If you want to throw in an extra step every once in a while to distract the pitcher, that’s fine. Maybe try to get the pitchers timing down to grab the extra step right before he goes into the motion. Nothing wrong with that. Taking an extra step every single time though, and then complaining when your opponent counters it is ridiculous.
@SaldanaBros5 said in Karma for a booster:
Had a guy step off the mound 30 straight times, cuz I would take an extra step while leading off. So annoying
That is justified. Extra step is pretty much a guarunteed steal with anyone with above average speed/stealing. He's holding you close, and you are the one being insistant and petty. If someone steps off twice, I realize they are paying attention and look for a different spot to swipe a bag.
I had a similar encounter with a special individual. He quit out after the top of the first. He started messaging me during my next game.
I proceeded to talk a bunch of smack about my current game. The level of confusion he was under was well worth it
All I see is someone who went through aggravation and wasted time to get a win someone was completely willing to give you anyway. You showed him.
People using events to prestige cards has created so much more toxicity that we normally have.
@SaldanaBros5 said in Karma for a booster:
Had a guy step off the mound 30 straight times, cuz I would take an extra step while leading off. So annoying
Yeah that's 100% on you. If you don't take an extra step the game will only allow the pitcher to step off 3 times.
By taking an extra step you're attempting to get an advantage. Him stepping off is him not allowing you to have an advantage. And you're upset he's not giving it to you? Do you realize how entitled you sound making it seem like you were wronged?