why is it
some people can hit better with certain players than you?
example- harmon Killebrew, killer stats, I couldn't hit a lick with him- others have sworn by him
Ernie banks- he's a singles hitter for me and selling for 150k yet people say he hits bombs
Larry Walker- dude is good, the card's been clutch but he's a doubles machine others say he's a home run machine
what am I missing/ -
I mean, user skill plays alot into it too, that and certain swings work better for some then others.
I can't hit with Harmon either, Ernie is ok, he hits good enough, and Larry is a walking home run for me.
wade Boggs, donnie baseball- those guys rake for me yet only high dollar cards get mentioned, sds trying to make money?
91 ty Cobb still hits better than any 99 card ive had
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
91 ty Cobb still hits better than any 99 card ive had
Its all in preference and play style mixed in with some user skill. It sounds like you prefer high contact guys, me personally i prefer power and speed.
@Kovz88 said in why is it:
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
91 ty Cobb still hits better than any 99 card ive had
Its all in preference and play style mixed in with some user skill. It sounds like you prefer high contact guys, me personally i prefer power and speed.
I'm brand new to this and yes "high contact guys" have been my only success.
@Kovz88 said in why is it:
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
91 ty Cobb still hits better than any 99 card ive had
Its all in preference and play style mixed in with some user skill. It sounds like you prefer high contact guys, me personally i prefer power and speed.
I've hit more homers with 98 Boggs than 99 Larry walker
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
@Kovz88 said in why is it:
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
91 ty Cobb still hits better than any 99 card ive had
Its all in preference and play style mixed in with some user skill. It sounds like you prefer high contact guys, me personally i prefer power and speed.
I've hit more homers with 98 Boggs than 99 Larry walker
This is an outside perspective without seeing you play so i could be way off but maybe you need more practice placing the pci. High contact guys are easier to hit with because the high contact makes the PCI larger. High power guys with not as much contact you really gotta nail the pci placement
@Kovz88 said in why is it:
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
@Kovz88 said in why is it:
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
91 ty Cobb still hits better than any 99 card ive had
Its all in preference and play style mixed in with some user skill. It sounds like you prefer high contact guys, me personally i prefer power and speed.
I've hit more homers with 98 Boggs than 99 Larry walker
This is an outside perspective without seeing you play so i could be way off but maybe you need more practice placing the pci. High contact guys are easier to hit with because the high contact makes the PCI larger. High power guys with not as much contact you really gotta nail the pci placement
I don't use the "pci" at all, I don't see how it could help, I'm like vladdy back in the day I want to swing at everything but unlike him I aint producing.
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
@Kovz88 said in why is it:
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
@Kovz88 said in why is it:
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
91 ty Cobb still hits better than any 99 card ive had
Its all in preference and play style mixed in with some user skill. It sounds like you prefer high contact guys, me personally i prefer power and speed.
I've hit more homers with 98 Boggs than 99 Larry walker
This is an outside perspective without seeing you play so i could be way off but maybe you need more practice placing the pci. High contact guys are easier to hit with because the high contact makes the PCI larger. High power guys with not as much contact you really gotta nail the pci placement
I don't use the "pci" at all, I don't see how it could help, I'm like vladdy back in the day I want to swing at everything but unlike him I aint producing.
That explains everything then
@Jeviduty said in why is it:
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
@Kovz88 said in why is it:
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
@Kovz88 said in why is it:
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
91 ty Cobb still hits better than any 99 card ive had
Its all in preference and play style mixed in with some user skill. It sounds like you prefer high contact guys, me personally i prefer power and speed.
I've hit more homers with 98 Boggs than 99 Larry walker
This is an outside perspective without seeing you play so i could be way off but maybe you need more practice placing the pci. High contact guys are easier to hit with because the high contact makes the PCI larger. High power guys with not as much contact you really gotta nail the pci placement
I don't use the "pci" at all, I don't see how it could help, I'm like vladdy back in the day I want to swing at everything but unlike him I aint producing.
That explains everything then
how, please educate a noob
Kovz88replied to JediGeronimo on Jul 29, 2020, 8:22 PM last edited by Kovz88_PSN Jul 29, 2020, 8:24 PM
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
@Kovz88 said in why is it:
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
@Kovz88 said in why is it:
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
91 ty Cobb still hits better than any 99 card ive had
Its all in preference and play style mixed in with some user skill. It sounds like you prefer high contact guys, me personally i prefer power and speed.
I've hit more homers with 98 Boggs than 99 Larry walker
This is an outside perspective without seeing you play so i could be way off but maybe you need more practice placing the pci. High contact guys are easier to hit with because the high contact makes the PCI larger. High power guys with not as much contact you really gotta nail the pci placement
I don't use the "pci" at all, I don't see how it could help, I'm like vladdy back in the day I want to swing at everything but unlike him I aint producing.
If you mean you use directional then I would try switching to zone. If you mean you use zone with no pci then more power to ya
@Kovz88 said in why is it:
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
@Kovz88 said in why is it:
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
@Kovz88 said in why is it:
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
91 ty Cobb still hits better than any 99 card ive had
Its all in preference and play style mixed in with some user skill. It sounds like you prefer high contact guys, me personally i prefer power and speed.
I've hit more homers with 98 Boggs than 99 Larry walker
This is an outside perspective without seeing you play so i could be way off but maybe you need more practice placing the pci. High contact guys are easier to hit with because the high contact makes the PCI larger. High power guys with not as much contact you really gotta nail the pci placement
I don't use the "pci" at all, I don't see how it could help, I'm like vladdy back in the day I want to swing at everything but unlike him I aint producing.
If you mean you use directional then I would try switching to zone. If you mean you use zone with no pci then mlre power to ya
hitting im at:
view-strike zone
hitting interface-zone
-input type- buttons
-analog type- flick
pci outer- basic
transparency/color- yellow, 70%
pci fadeout-outer -
Jevidutyreplied to JediGeronimo on Jul 29, 2020, 8:32 PM last edited by Jeviduty_PSN Jul 29, 2020, 8:34 PM
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
@Jeviduty said in why is it:
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
@Kovz88 said in why is it:
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
@Kovz88 said in why is it:
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
91 ty Cobb still hits better than any 99 card ive had
Its all in preference and play style mixed in with some user skill. It sounds like you prefer high contact guys, me personally i prefer power and speed.
I've hit more homers with 98 Boggs than 99 Larry walker
This is an outside perspective without seeing you play so i could be way off but maybe you need more practice placing the pci. High contact guys are easier to hit with because the high contact makes the PCI larger. High power guys with not as much contact you really gotta nail the pci placement
I don't use the "pci" at all, I don't see how it could help, I'm like vladdy back in the day I want to swing at everything but unlike him I aint producing.
That explains everything then
how, please educate a noob
I don't like telling people how to play because everyone should just do what works best for them...I also don't know what your goals are, if you're casually playing or if you're looking to compete. General consensus within the competitive scene is you should be using Zone hitting/PCI. You'll get used to it for sure. Anything other than that places you in a huge disadvantage the higher you go up the ranks. Hitting camera is also preference but you'll find with 'strike zone' it may help you pick up on pitches easier. Of course, if you're just chilling and don't care about sweating do what's comfortable for you.
Edit: Just saw your above and noticed you aren't using directional which is what I assumed.
I want to compete yo, that's the only goal.
So if your PCI is on and you don't use it, that explains why you don't hit like you want to.
my hitting interface is set to zone, what from there?I'm doubting your skills already, no offense
@TEXAS10PT said in why is it:
So if your PCI is on and you don't use it, that explains why you don't hit like you want to.
do you mind elaborating? I honestly don't know how I should be using it.
@JediGeronimo said in why is it:
@TEXAS10PT said in why is it:
So if your PCI is on and you don't use it, that explains why you don't hit like you want to.
do you mind elaborating? I honestly don't know how I should be using it.
Spin the left stick before the pitcher sets up to warm up your thumb(i know it sounds dumb but it works). Start your pci in the area that it is hardest for you to move to and adjust from there. First at bat be aggressive to figure out the timing of the pitcher and whats early whats late. After that work the count, take until 2 strikes unless you see the ball all the way in and know you can hit it.
You should at least have center dots or diamonds inside of your PCI. Use the left analog stick to move those inner dots/diamonds towards the pitched ball and push the X O or Square to swing. Unless the pitch is right down the middle, you are going to have difficulty hitting any pitch with authority.