Chase Anderson Moments
I think change ups out of the zone have been his best strike out pitch for me. That and sinkers. Usually set it up with high and in fastballs.
Fastballs up and in, that's my go to. If they foul it off, I go there again. If they foul that off, change up low and away. If they foul that off, fastball back up in the zone. It really matters about your counts. If its 0-2, fastball up all day. If you get to 2-2 count, it depends on your last pitch, but just go with the opposite speed of whatever got to that count. If you get to 3-2, fastball up and in.
@MFundercover said in Chase Anderson Moments:
Anybody else have a hard time with this one? He pitches to contact and I cant tally enough strike outs before he gets lit up after 5 or 6 innings. I was flying through to Bellinger until this.
Any tips?
They are tough but doable. Spam FBs up and in and and then use the changeup down and away from lefties and the cutter and curve up and away and down and away respectively vs righties and pray that contact isn't made.
I did all of them this morning first try.
High tight fastballs, change ups and curveballs down below the zone.
This year, Pulse pitching has been by far the most accurate, and he threw dots for me in all of the missions using pulse. You might give that a try too.
@MFundercover said in Chase Anderson Moments:
Anybody else have a hard time with this one? He pitches to contact and I cant tally enough strike outs before he gets lit up after 5 or 6 innings. I was flying through to Bellinger until this.
Any tips?
Usually pitching moments are very easy but this one is tough the lack of a slider is hard for these strikeouts. Especially when the cpu swings first pitch every at bat regardless of its fastball or off speed
Never play any SP pitching moments... lol
not worth the frustration when you threw perfect game and than a guy with 40 power hits a no doubter with 2 strikes... -