DC Glitch
Ok I’ve played 3 games in a row now and 2 I have gotten the loss on a disconnect. From what I can gather, what they do is not press buttons after a ball is hit into play and let the game run without any interaction. I am not sure how to prevent this from happening as both parties have to interact in order for the game to proceed.
Is there any way to prevent this or stop this from happening? Is this an issue SDS can resolve? -
Edit when I say “ball hit into play”- let’s say a groundout as an example. When the next batter comes up, they let the animations play out to elongate the game and apparently through some voodoo cause me to disconnect
Update- 3 games out of 4 now. Just checked my WiFi and that doesn’t be the issue either. This is getting kind of ridiculous at this point.
It’s your internet connection, not some voodoo lol
Stop playing on Wifi
I was using an Ethernet cable hahaha
No such thing as them making you disconnect.