Best Relievers for pulse pitching?
I switched from analog to pulse pitching a few weeks ago. It’s been great for my starters but I can’t throw a strike to save my life with most relievers. I’m looking to get opinions from pulse users out there on who they have the best success with in the pen...Thank you.
Never used that. I would guess with pulse pitching the control stat my matter more. Or maybe not. Idk.
I don’t know, I would switch to analog as I’m able to throw exactly where I want 90% of the time
With something as random as that I'd look for high BB/9 and control
bb/9 and control 100%. A lot of gas throwing relievers are low in those and that’s the issue.
It’s honestly not that detrimental to use pulse especially once you get used to it, I made WS for a couple years using pulse before I switch I even think it has a few advantages. You’ll basically never miss a perfect release once you get it down so your catcher will block almost everything in the dirt. Hit chances go down against perfect releases SDS just won’t tell you, pitching is so random this year the randomness isn’t as noticeable compared to other settings, the only flaw is the pitch speed you lose because pulse throws everything about 1mph slower otherwise it would probably be OP.