Showdown shenanigans
Started down 8-15 vs verlander. Wasn’t as patient as I should have been. Finally got it to 15-15 with 5 outs left. 4 straight good good or perfect perfect lineouts . 1 out left. Perfect perfect fly ball with shin joo. Fly out to CF. And here I thought they made this trash mode easier
It happend to me to all the way up to the final showdown no problems hitting ball's all over the place.
I was 11-15 and it's like sds flip's a switch and i got fly ball's 9 out of 10 time's it's so annoying.
Every time you need somthing for programs or team affinity sds shut's you down. -
The defense that the computer plays in showdown is how our defense should play online. The amount of times I’ve had the computer make Multiple diving plays in one inning is wild.
I know they lowered the difficulty, but can also confirm Michael Kopech is still throwing 102 on the black.
@seannydrama7 said in Showdown shenanigans:
I know they lowered the difficulty, but can also confirm Michael Kopech is still throwing 102 on the black.
consistently and at will!
Lol. Just faced Verlander in AL West Stage 1. This isn't veteran in any other mode. Dude was dotting up the corners, setting up pitches and getting perfect or squared up outs. SDS, we play veteran in conquest. This isn't veteran. This is HOF. FYI, I beat Verlander.
I was doing the 4th inning against Felix. It was 13-15 with 3 outs left, runner on 2nd. 99 Thames with a good good flout that should have been a dinger to tie it up. Braun hit a later down the right field line that would have been a double but VOGELBACH makes a superman catch. He NEVER does that IRL! 1 out left and I still have faith. Tying run up. Chipper with a good good 100 mph ground ball to short. I'm so infuriated I just wasted an HOUR! SDS if you should just give me the points for the 4th inning I will be fine.