Game Mode Idea: Showdown Boss Wagers
I think everyone here would agree that the boss battles, while sometimes stressful, is also the most fun part because it is simply just hitting. No innings, no pitching to cpu fouling off pitches, just pure hitting.
For Example, let's say the cost to enter is 1000 Stubs.
You have 20 outs to beat the CPU's score of 15.
You can choose what difficulty the game is on
You can choose how many runs you start with.
You can completely choose every single player on your roster from the cards you have already earned in diamond dynasty
Boss would be randomized to have SOME element of randomness and luck. You want to stack your lineup with all lefties and get stuck facing Glavine? That's too bad.
Now lets say in this example, if you build an all 99 team set it to rookie, and spot yourself 15 runs. The payout for that game is say idk ~10 stubs. But as you start tinkering with your lineups and whatnot you could build yourself a fun 87 OVR team with players you want to get team affinity credit for. Set the difficulty to All-Star and give yourself 8 runs to start. All of a sudden that game would payout 1500 stubs (or some sort of logical risk/reward payout) if you win.
I think this would be SO FUN. I would love to actually play with some of the cards i earned outside of the stress of Ranked Seasons games but with more on the line than the redundant conquest games. I think it would solve a LOT of the problems people are complaining about with showdowns currently. 1) if you lose at a boss, you wasted 45min-2 hours of playtime. 2) You can't use your DD players 3) it is too difficult for some people and 4) the innings don't count towards team affinity.
I also think it would be a place I could play HOF level difficulty to challenge myself that actually has some sort of reward for it and is far more fun than playing vs. cpu on HOF
What does everyone think? Just trying to add high value posts/ideas to the forums.
I thought it was cool
If they could add this or tinker around with what you’ve proposed it seems like a great idea. Would add countless replay ability to the game while still having the team building aspect. Finding reasonable rewards would probably the hardest thing to balance but that’s the least of the worries coming from this.
It could be called showdown challenge, be themed like events, have an events like lineup build, etc.