SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales
I'm not sure where you guys are seeing that the odds are the same. It just lists 1:50 in packs, but if you looked at the guaranteed diamond pack odds, it was 1:1 for an 85 to 89, but I believe 1:25 for a 90+ diamond. I'd presume its the same once you get to diamond in standard packs as well.
@theman925 said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
@GixxerRyder750 said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
@theman925 said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
@jhack9 said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
We control the market, they do not.
This is true, but to an extent as SDS also plays a hand. If odds of getting a high diamond (90+) are as slim as they have been, those cards don’t make it to market because players keep them to complete collections. This leads to a low amount of these cards in circulation which in turn leads to players bidding higher and higher for a card that’s not being sold. Which is where we’re at now. 7 cards over 100,00. Now if the odds were to increase for those high diamonds you’ll see prices come back down to earth but they have no reason to do that.
Again, that places it all in our Hands. Odds are the same for Mike Trout out of a pack as they are Clayton Kershaw
That’s what they say but can we really believe that? Kershaw, Springer and the lower diamond are going for Quick Sell prices. You don’t think this has anything to do with people getting these diamonds way more than they get the higher ones?
But from 9 win rewards in BR and 12 wins in events you get 85-89.
@Ch-76-1908 said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
@GixxerRyder750 said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
@theman925 said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
@jhack9 said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
We control the market, they do not.
This is true, but to an extent as SDS also plays a hand. If odds of getting a high diamond (90+) are as slim as they have been, those cards don’t make it to market because players keep them to complete collections. This leads to a low amount of these cards in circulation which in turn leads to players bidding higher and higher for a card that’s not being sold. Which is where we’re at now. 7 cards over 100,00. Now if the odds were to increase for those high diamonds you’ll see prices come back down to earth but they have no reason to do that.
Again, that places it all in our Hands. Odds are the same for Mike Trout out of a pack as they are Clayton Kershaw
Odds of Trout and Kershaw are certainly not the same! I have no doubt that the 1/50 odds of pulling a diamond are accurate.
That said, The odds of that 2% being an 85-89 as opposed to a 90+ are significantly higher. And not just because there are more of them. We aren't privy to those odds but if what you said were true, do you think an 90 Bellinger would be selling for approximately 12 times what an 89 Betts sells for? It's supply. Pure and simple.
Exactly. Yes those gatekeepers cards are expected to be high. But not this high. We haven’t even had a real stub sale. People aren’t using Gerrit Cole or DeGrom online. Simply for collections and there aren’t enough being sold which leads to players bidding higher and higher for the same card
@PAinPA said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
@theman925 said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
@jhack9 said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
We control the market, they do not.
This is true, but to an extent as SDS also plays a hand. If odds of getting a high diamond (90+) are as slim as they have been, those cards don’t make it to market because players keep them to complete collections. This leads to a low amount of these cards in circulation which in turn leads to players bidding higher and higher for a card that’s not being sold. Which is where we’re at now. 7 cards over 100,00. Now if the odds were to increase for those high diamonds you’ll see prices come back down to earth but they have no reason to do that.
Incorrect again. prices are high cause there is nothing in the market to compete with them,all cards with compare OVRs are programs and non sellable, with nothing to have demand on,all the demand is settling on the gatekeepers.
even if more supply was added, the price drop would be minimal and short, then the cards would be right back to current prices.There’s plenty of players on the market better than some of the Live players. DeGrom and Cole are not good online. There are plenty of comparable players both pitching and hitting, aside from Trout. If more supply was added I can guarantee you the price would drop, that’s simple supply and demand.
@jhack9 said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
We control the market, they do not.
If you don't think SDS has their hands on this market to influence it to a certain degree you're nuts, same people that don't think some games in MLB, NBA and NFL aren't rigged.
@DoIHearBossMusic said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
@jhack9 said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
We control the market, they do not.
If you don't think SDS has their hands on this market to influence it to a certain degree you're nuts, same people that don't think some games in MLB, NBA and BFL aren't rigged.
So how do you determine what was rigged and what wasn't? Does that mean game 6 of the 2011 WS was fixed? Because I mean come on, who leaves Nelson Cruz in the final inning to play defense?
@DoIHearBossMusic said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
If you don't think SDS has their hands on this market to influence it to a certain degree you're nuts, same people that don't think some games in MLB, NBA and BFL aren't rigged.
Give us any proof of games that were rigged in any of those sports in the last 10 yrs.
@DoIHearBossMusic said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
@jhack9 said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
We control the market, they do not.
If you don't think SDS has their hands on this market to influence it to a certain degree you're nuts, same people that don't think some games in MLB, NBA and BFL aren't rigged.
This guy's smokin [censored] hairs.
There's no way they can manipulate the market. They can't create more cards, add or subtract cards listed. They don't have unlimited stubs.
If they put a trout in every pack, Trout would be worth 5k. Also we control the Market. Okie dokie.
Side note, get Sheffield, don’t worry about AL or Mantle. Sheffield poops on biggio and more NL diamonds are actually useful in online play. Win the game.
@Paladin2MP said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
@DoIHearBossMusic said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
@jhack9 said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
We control the market, they do not.
If you don't think SDS has their hands on this market to influence it to a certain degree you're nuts, same people that don't think some games in MLB, NBA and BFL aren't rigged.
This guy's smokin [censored] hairs.
A true SDS shill you are little Billy
Lol. I'm an adult guy.
Things like exchanges, live series switch hitter and future stars only events, collection rewards all change the market. SDS is more in control than anyone lol. Trouts price was nearing sub 200,000 and we got a stub sale. Every game studio has economic experts on payroll to perfect these things they aren’t just throwing darts. They’re the ones that suggest years in advance things like adding Ruth Mays and Mantle one after another. That isn’t random it’s just good business, like events with minimal options or random minor league stadium exchanges they do.
Some people might be new(er) to this game, but Trout was 500k until like February for The Show 17. All the 90+ cards will fall as better cards get released and they will drastically fall once you can get 90+ diamonds for 12 wins in events, which is usually around the fall.
I always wondered if SDS owns a lot of these cars and artificially sets new prices.
@DoIHearBossMusic said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
@jhack9 said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
We control the market, they do not.
If you don't think SDS has their hands on this market to influence it to a certain degree you're nuts, same people that don't think some games in MLB, NBA and NFL aren't rigged.
Doubling down on the crazy...that’s the spirit!
@KBizzyGetBusy said in SDS increasing live high diamond prices to generate more pack sales:
Some people might be new(er) to this game, but Trout was 500k until like February for The Show 17. All the 90+ cards will fall as better cards get released and they will drastically fall once you can get 90+ diamonds for 12 wins in events, which is usually around the fall.
I remember Miggy on 15 being absurdly expensive too.
Last year was the first year Trout wasn't that expensive, and even then he was over 200k until the first SS choice pack came out and tanked the market.