I think this needs to be said to SDS
Greatest baseball game of all-time
Thanks for your post. Is this game light years better than anything we used to play? Yes. Are there several inexcusable problems with online play that should be fixed for paying customers, starting with cracking down on cheaters and ending "freeze offs?" Absolutely.
@tylerslikewhoa said in I think this needs to be said to SDS:
Greatest baseball game of all-time
Greatest game of all time?
Sir have you forgotten about Bases Loaded on the NES? -
@ItsaCanesthing said in I think this needs to be said to SDS:
@tylerslikewhoa said in I think this needs to be said to SDS:
Greatest baseball game of all-time
Greatest game of all time?
Sir have you forgotten about Bases Loaded on the NES?Epic game
@ItsaCanesthing said in I think this needs to be said to SDS:
@tylerslikewhoa said in I think this needs to be said to SDS:
Greatest baseball game of all-time
Greatest game of all time?
Sir have you forgotten about Bases Loaded on the NES?Obviously it doesn't stand up to today's standards, but for it's time, and the couple years after with mods on PC, mvp baseball 2005 is the king imo.
If MLB the show truly moves to PC as well next year, I'll be ecstatic!! The potential modding that could be done would make it insane.
@ItsaCanesthing said in I think this needs to be said to SDS:
@tylerslikewhoa said in I think this needs to be said to SDS:
Greatest baseball game of all-time
Greatest game of all time?
Sir have you forgotten about Bases Loaded on the NES?I remember being absolutely blown away the first time I saw a player charge the mound!
"My very first thread on this forum was taken down and I was banned from the forum for three days. A punishment I rightfully deserved because I was a [censored] in that thread in which I told SDS to go F themselves. Taking a step back though I just wanted to say thanks because at the end of the day I still enjoy playing this game."
Lmaoo this game is crack. Addiction is real man.
lol what a dork
stupid thread stupid poster
@TheHungryHole said in I think this needs to be said to SDS:
lol what a dork
stupid thread stupid poster
Please tell us how you truly feel
@NatsChampions19 said in I think this needs to be said to SDS:
@ItsaCanesthing said in I think this needs to be said to SDS:
@tylerslikewhoa said in I think this needs to be said to SDS:
Greatest baseball game of all-time
Greatest game of all time?
Sir have you forgotten about Bases Loaded on the NES?I remember being absolutely blown away the first time I saw a player charge the mound!
I still remember that Philadelphia team...Carr, Gantos, and the power hitter Oko