Bawlin’ is a habit
That’s my new response to all the serial crybabies around here. Not the ones with well thought-out complaints or constructive criticism — there are legitimately things that need work with this game — but those elite few who complain like they get paid for it and who blame everything and everyone but themselves. Or who have those prolonged announcements about how they’re done, they’re deleting the game and never playing again... but who just want to get eleven more things off their chest before they go...
Aren’t you bawling though. Irony.
Did a lot of people get a discount on the game to be QA testers or something? When I go to a restaurant and don’t like it I leave a bad review on yelp I don’t send them f’ing recipe videos.
Jesus Christ, let players talk about the game however they want on a site dedicated to that game. I see the crybabies posting more suggestions and ideas than the trolls on here who dog pile a post with unnecessary comments whenever they can, what good is that doing?
I like it! I'm going to start using that hashtag!
I thought this was going to be a post about the official new name of the BIAH pack. It would be fitting.
Yeah, I was getting ready to read how someone was gonna rename the crappy overpriced Headliner packs that never spit out the featured player too. Was kinda disappointed it was a different topic.
I'm disappointed, I thought this was going to be a thread about how we all cry on the inside when we get the gold out of a BIAH.
Who uses Yelp anymore?