Go play other modes that don’t cost you stubs until you get better. Please stop asking them to dumb down the game and cater to the less skilled because they might actually listen.
@Psycho-_-Kill-er are you going directly to the showdown? Not many people can go straight to the end. Even if u do the first 3 missions 4 runs helps out a lot. Especially mentally. To know I need 11 runs in 20 outs eases some of the pressure
@Psycho-_-Kill-er said in SDS! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIX SHOWDOWS!:
I am an average player at best and cannot beat these showdowns. I have played level 1 NL East probably 100 times and won once! Third inning about 50 times now... haven’t tried a second inning yet to even comment.
All the ones will comment saying how easy it is... before that happens... MAYBE FOR YOU IT IS!
Us average to novice players should have a chance to win and participate in playing showdowns. Maybe have us pay the entrance fee again to have at the final boss (if you can even get there!) again. Adjust the sliders down, SOMETHING! It’s just not fun at all.
I’ve tried all the pointers posted here to have crappy players make diving catches or balls smashed to die on the warning track to perfect/perfects find gloves every time! That’s even if I can get the bat on the ball!
PLEASE PLEASE DO SOMETHING!I get that it can be frustrating but it's not supposed to be ridiculously easy that everyone can just breeze through it every time....I did the 1st inning showdown 3 times before I beat it...I have yet to beat 2nd inning after 15 tries an the 3rd inning I beat in 2 tries...I definitely takes patience to beat these...I do get really frustrated about the super powers the CPU have when it comes to there diving catches an the the dots they throw from deep cf to home to get my guy tagging up from 3rd...but it's just a game to be what the other guys said just play other games and practice you will eventually get to where you want to be just got to keep chipping away at it
I'm about as average as it gets but they have started making these easier for us lower level folks.
1st inning took me 10-15 attempts to beat it.
2nd inning took me 3 attempts to beat it.
3rd inning took me 2 attempts to beat it.Stage 1 showdown are difficult but still doable with good drafting, patience, and some luck for us average players.
Stage 2 showdown is more than doable IMO although I freely admit I cant take as many pitches vs the bosses since they tend to throw more pitches in the zone on veteran.
I also find having some familiarity with the pitchers you face helps. For example, Adonis Medina typically throws a lot of offspeed low in the zone.
I beat 2 straight today. And I'm old AF
GEt better at the game
Is it possible that some people will never get any better or maybe a tad better than they are? Sorry we can’t all be as great as you or your ability to improve at will.
Idk if it’ll help but it does for me. I’ll warm up on a hall of fame conquest game then hop into showdowns and it helps me see pitches better and be more selective
Ever think that maybe this game isn't for you. Instead of asking them to make showdowns into a snoozefest, maybe you should put in a lot more practice.
Bleeding-_-Mereplied to dcmo3 on May 5, 2020, 6:35 PM last edited by Bleeding-_-Me May 5, 2020, 6:38 PM
Ever think that maybe this game isn't for you. Instead of asking them to make showdowns into a snoozefest, maybe you should put in a lot more practice.
I put in plenty of practice. That’s not the point. There is no need for your sarcastic remarks. Not asking them to make it a “snoozefest”! You have your experience and I have mine. Just because your awesome and want everyone to know don’t hijack the thread with your nonsense.
You ever think you are useless to the conversation not meant for your highness? Get a life!The game should be at a level that EVERYONE can play having some sort of chance at success. Not just the ones who think they can put people down that may not be as great as they are!
Maybe some sort of compromise would be you get at least one team affinity voucher if you complete 3 missions or something. Defeat the first mini boss it's another voucher. That way people who struggle can still earn something out of it and people who don't struggle aren't really affected
How about fix the servers and the fielding then worry about showdown. Winning run at the plate in showdown, lost connection. Thanks, I appreciate wasting my time.
NL East is definitely the hardest 1.
Do the other ones -
@Psycho-_-Kill-er said in SDS! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIX SHOWDOWS!:
The game should be at a level that EVERYONE can play having some sort of chance at success. Not just the ones who think they can put people down that may not be as great as they are!I'll address this part specifically. Everyone has some sort of chance to complete a Showdown. A user's skill is going to be the biggest factor in whether you succeed or not. The odds aren't predetermined, it's up to the individual to perform.
Just like every other playable mode in DD Showdown is not a guaranteed win. You do have to pay to play the mode, with the ability to earn back your stubs or at the very least earn some XP while playing it. The allure is there for program points and TA vouchers sure, but those are the reasons the mode is not just a given thing.
I would be happy to share tips about the inning Showdowns, TA1, or TA2 but I feel like you'll just attack me for being an an elitist.
The bottom line is the mode is an option, not a requirement. If you choose to play it by prepared to employ a different game strategy. It's stressful because it's not like moments that are easily attempted again. I catch myself doing it all the time, getting frustrated and making poor decisions or inputs.
@Chuck_Dizzle29 said in SDS! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIX SHOWDOWS!:
@Psycho-_-Kill-er said in SDS! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIX SHOWDOWS!:
The game should be at a level that EVERYONE can play having some sort of chance at success. Not just the ones who think they can put people down that may not be as great as they are!I'll address this part specifically. Everyone has some sort of chance to complete a Showdown. A user's skill is going to be the biggest factor in whether you succeed or not. The odds aren't predetermined, it's up to the individual to perform.
Just like every other playable mode in DD Showdown is not a guaranteed win. You do have to pay to play the mode, with the ability to earn back your stubs or at the very least earn some XP while playing it. The allure is there for program points and TA vouchers sure, but those are the reasons the mode is not just a given thing.
I would be happy to share tips about the inning Showdowns, TA1, or TA2 but I feel like you'll just attack me for being an an elitist.
The bottom line is the mode is an option, not a requirement. If you choose to play it by prepared to employ a different game strategy. It's stressful because it's not like moments that are easily attempted again. I catch myself doing it all the time, getting frustrated and making poor decisions or inputs.
So what are your tips for the Stage 1, division showdowns? I've won division showdowns twice. Not sure how many times I've tried. I find I can handle the inning ones and the Stage 2 trying a few times, but the Stage 1s are still wholly difficult.
The thing I hate the most about them is getting kicked out if you fail the mini showdown. That doesn't seem fair. Ding me for a couple of runs or make me go back and complete something again but getting kicked out sucks.
How do you do in the other modes? Is the struggle specific to Showdown? I also wish there was some adjustment they could make so it’s wasn't quite so “all or nothing.” I like the idea of paying another entry fee but starting again at the final boss.
@Psycho-_-Kill-er said in SDS! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIX SHOWDOWS!:
GEt better at the game
Is it possible that some people will never get any better or maybe a tad better than they are? Sorry we can’t all be as great as you or your ability to improve at will.
You must have a want and a drive and a focus on what to get better. Simply playing wont make you better. But if you go in with a plan and know what you need to improve, anyone and i mean ANYONE can get better. Some may take longer than others but even wild animals can develope new skills.
@Chuck_Dizzle29 said in SDS! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIX SHOWDOWS!:
@Psycho-_-Kill-er said in SDS! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIX SHOWDOWS!:
The game should be at a level that EVERYONE can play having some sort of chance at success. Not just the ones who think they can put people down that may not be as great as they are!I'll address this part specifically. Everyone has some sort of chance to complete a Showdown. A user's skill is going to be the biggest factor in whether you succeed or not. The odds aren't predetermined, it's up to the individual to perform.
Just like every other playable mode in DD Showdown is not a guaranteed win. You do have to pay to play the mode, with the ability to earn back your stubs or at the very least earn some XP while playing it. The allure is there for program points and TA vouchers sure, but those are the reasons the mode is not just a given thing.
I would be happy to share tips about the inning Showdowns, TA1, or TA2 but I feel like you'll just attack me for being an an elitist.
The bottom line is the mode is an option, not a requirement. If you choose to play it by prepared to employ a different game strategy. It's stressful because it's not like moments that are easily attempted again. I catch myself doing it all the time, getting frustrated and making poor decisions or inputs.
So what are your tips for the Stage 1, division showdowns? I've won division showdowns twice. Not sure how many times I've tried. I find I can handle the inning ones and the Stage 2 trying a few times, but the Stage 1s are still wholly difficult.
Stage 1 are the hardest so far. The mini Boss Showdowns require four runs and start with no base runners. Draft 1 silver SP and RP, everything else should be offense minded. Power is preferred over contact, most perks are contact boosts so power is needed more. Draft and construct your lineup based on who you'll be facing in the final Showdown so NL East is deGrom I'm drafting LH or SH power bats.
As far as actual gameplay be patient and conservative. Don't force extra bases and look for good pitches to hit. Walks are your friend and lower pitcher confidence/stamina. Tailor your AB's to go with your perks. If I have a boost for two strike counts take pitches to two strikes.
Having a solid strategy and approach that you stick too is key. It's easy to focus on bad luck or poor results and start making decisions. Take it all 1 AB at a time.
Just keep at it, don't know what to say, I'm having trouble too. Lot's of us are.
I will say this, if I don't get the lucky 7 perk I just play long enough to make my stubs back and start again.