Selling inning 3 bosses
There’s also a stub sale... people are more likely to spend more to get stubs... so not only are you profiting on a card but you’re helping SDS as well by making others buy stubs. Use your heads
@monorato92 said in Selling inning 3 bosses:
It’s an absolute joke that 3rd inning bosses are going less than 100k.... you spend all that time to get the boss and then are in such a hurry to sell them.... they’re exclusive cards that you can only get within the program... make them hold their value. You guys are at cut throat, undercutting their values to 75-70k. It’s a joke
no one cares what you have to say on this - learn how markets work, stop crying etc.
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Right... so if you have something of value (like these cards) then make them hold their value based on rarity... that’s how a market works... you’re probably the guy who sucks at the game but spends hundreds of dollars on his whole team... my point is make people earn their rewards. And if they want to take the easy way out (like you) then make them pay a premium for it
Wait, so you're complaining about people selling their cards? Why? Because you got yours too late and can't make 100k? Sucks to suck OP, better learn how demand/supply works in the market.
The absolute joke here is you thinking your entitled to more than what's currently available. Take your free 75k and move on.
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And sold it for 128k... just trying to point that out to all you amateurs who think they know anything about supply/demand and how markets work
@monorato92 said in Selling inning 3 bosses:
You’re an idiot... I got the card on Saturday morning. There’s more supply than demand so your statement is irrelevant and I’m going to leave it at that... read an Econ book before you comment
Exactly the point, more supply, less demand = lower prices. Hurr durrr.
And if you've already sold it for 128k, cool! You beat everyone else to the supply line, got yours first and sold it when demand was high.
More demand less supply... messed that up... there’s 6/7 buy now postings and more sell now postings.... the only reason I’m making this point is because people who got the card now worked their [censored] off to EARN it... so for those who can’t earn it or are too lazy, should pay a premium for something that they can’t earn
@monorato92 said in Selling inning 3 bosses:
More demand less supply... messed that up... there’s 6/7 buy now postings and more sell now postings.... the only reason I’m making this point is because people who got the card now worked their [censored] off to EARN it... so for those who can’t earn it or are too lazy, should pay a premium for something that they can’t earn
Yeah sitting at your tv for 12 hours is working your [censored] off. Whew! Glad we got that out if the way, how's your [censored] feeling now anyway?
Btw they have that in the game. It's called BR.
Doing conquest/showdown and winning 10 games in ranked seasons takes time. You can keep living in your little fantasy but in all seriousness read a book. Maybe it will help you
@monorato92 said in Selling inning 3 bosses:
Doing conquest/showdown and winning 10 games in ranked seasons takes time. You can keep living in your little fantasy but in all seriousness read a book. Maybe it will help you
Earning money takes time. Reading a book takes time. Generating enough fiber to take a [censored] takes time. Again go play BR if you want to work your [censored] off for your prestigious reward only the best players can earn.
Edit: also full disclosure, actually am reading the Witcher series, great read, recommend it if you're a fan.
bolded text
@monorato92 said in Selling inning 3 bosses:
I’ll give you that BR is where the elite players are but I’m saying if someone is taking the time to earn something they should get compensated for it. Not let someone who’s lacy dictate how much they want it for
The irony of this statement has me at a loss for words.
You’re like a box of rocks bro... seriously... and you probably question a lot of things in life. Just look in the mirror... or record yourself talking for 5 minutes. Then you’ll understand you f****** clown
@monorato92 said in Selling inning 3 bosses:
You’re like a box of rocks bro... seriously... and you probably question a lot of things in life. Just look in the mirror... or record yourself talking for 5 minutes. Then you’ll understand you f****** clown
You do you boo boo. Have a good day.
@monorato92 said in Selling inning 3 bosses:
And sold it for 128k... just trying to point that out to all you amateurs who think they know anything about supply/demand and how markets work
If you already sold him for 128k why do you care what other people do wtih their stubs? How is it hurting you? Why can't people just let others do what they want when it comes to the market.
Besides the longer the cards are on the market and the more people get them the more the price will fall.
Everyone uses the market diffrently too. Some people may buy the card and try it out and then sell it for less then it's worth because they just want it to sell and not have to wait.
Others just want the stubs to spend on other players mabey they didn't want any of the boss cards this time around and instead just wanted to use the stubs for say Trout (exactly what i plan to do btw)
Just sold mine for 70K, it was 70K i didn’t have before. In 2 weeks they won’t be worth that so don’t complain
@monorato92 said in Selling inning 3 bosses:
More demand less supply... messed that up... there’s 6/7 buy now postings and more sell now postings.... the only reason I’m making this point is because people who got the card now worked their [censored] off to EARN it... so for those who can’t earn it or are too lazy, should pay a premium for something that they can’t earn
Not all of us are sitting at home every day playing this game 24-7.
I’m not either. I work 40-60 hours per week. I still found a way to get it done. Like I said... there should be a premium on these cards for those who don’t want to take the time to earn it