Yep. Had to quit playing them. Lost 3 in a row earlier between the second and third boss.
I've done like a thousand showdowns and haven't lost connection once. Sounds like the issue is definitely on your part, and before you say it isn't; how can you tell FOR CERTAIN? (so the argument that you don't have issues with other games doesn't apply)
I test my internet and it’s operating at normal speed as well as it’s just disconnecting me from sds so I dunno just figured I would ask if anyone else has the problem
Plus I complete the next mini mission and it says better luck next time so that is not on my end that SDS
Mine is doing the same thing
@Oraclerampage said in Showdown:
I test my internet and it’s operating at normal speed as well as it’s just disconnecting me from sds so I dunno just figured I would ask if anyone else has the problem
Connection stability has nothing to do with speeds though. Do you play on wifi? If the answer is yes, you're more prone to disconnects because obviously the signal can be interrupted. Especially if you have a lot of wireless traffic going on in your environment. If you have a wired connection, there could be jitter on the network or a faulty cable. Maybe there is network congestion/bufferbloat in your home network.
Do you know the answers to all of these questions? If not, there is no way you can say the connection losses are not on your end.
Either way, it does suck and I hope you can fix it.
@JFLASH_5 said in Showdown:
Mine is doing the same thing
Yeah it’s annoying glad I’m not the only one
done several of them over the past few days, nothing else is dropping internet wise. Lost 2 times within 3 minutes due to disconnect in showdown mode.
My router/modem will occasionally drop connection and I will get the "lan cable not connected" message. That's how i know otherwise I'd blame the game as well if I was on wifi
I’m running wired and it never says wire disconnected or anything just drops me from the show online
@JFLASH_5 said in Showdown:
done several of them over the past few days, nothing else is dropping internet wise. Lost 2 times within 3 minutes due to disconnect in showdown mode.
Yeah I know I’m perfectly fine and then randomly just showdown doing it
Not sure, I am giving it a few minutes and doing some MTO