Leveling Up Takes Forever
I like what they did with being able to level up individual stats but it’s going to take about 5 seasons to be an 80 overall in ‘25, especially if you’re a two way player. Wish they kept the perks and equipment boosts the same and/or allowed for easier increases to stats because this is crazy compared to years past.
I wish they would let us buy points like they used to several years ago!
@mmt08003_PSN its a double edged sword, but id much rather it take a few seasons to get to a 90 ovr than be a 90 by the end of my rookie season like 2024
Folks, no way should people be able to buy points and/or tokens. The entire point of RTTS is to play video baseball games to earn promotions for your avatar player based upon his overall quality of play.
In my view, it should take multiple seasons before even an excellent player can rise to diamond level (90 plus) in most areas. Baseball is a really tough game to master. I actually give SDS great credit for the details for how they laid out the risk/reward scheme in RTTS for points. You actually earn a net positive of points for making hard contact even if the result is an out. Even if a hard hit grounder results in an inning-ending DP, the negative points for ending the inning is -2 while you earn +5 for hitting the snot out of the ball.
Likewise, if you hit the ball hard and it's a homer, you earn +100 for the homer itself, plus another +25 for each run it drives in including yourself. So, a solo HR is worth 125. A grand slam earns you 200 points. In my conclusion, this properly reflects the inherent odds of success in the game and thereby assigns the right ratio of positive to negative points for plays.
@PriorFir4383355_XBL I"ll play devil's advocate here.
Back when you could buy yourself a GOAT with actual money I was too cheap to spend money and enjoyed the grind.
On the other hand who was I to begrudge someone who wanted to buy their selves an instant superstar?
In no way did it affect my own game play so who cares?
If SDS made money from RTTS maybe they would pay more attention to it. -
What's the purpose of the game? If the end state is the result of money, then the purpose of the game itself has been stymied. I'll grant you that it's versus CPU and therefore has no direct impact on me. But, the concept could have a huge impact if the rewards of playing the game are themselves stymied to encourage spending more money to get better.
And THAT point is 100% within my wheelhouse to comment on, wouldn't you say?
Where did I ever say you couldn't comment on anything?
I ran across something interesting this morning. It was a review of MLB 25. In the review they took a poll of
what part of the game you spend the most time on. 800 people had replied when I was reading it .For sure unscientific-only SDS knows the exact numbers.
Anyways RTTS was at about 40%,Franchise was at about 40% and DD was about 9%. Yet which mode gets the most attention paid to it? The money making one. Can't really blame them.
To be clear I'm just trying to have a civil discussion here.I play RTTS the way you would like everyone to play.I took a character from 14 through 20 until he was 45. -
I’m already a 79 ovr and I’m only 60 games in it’s not that hard to level up
I think my C might be 75 in August or September?
At any rate, I don't dump all my points into contact/power. Give lots of love to the defensive areas and your overall will bump up.
Also, don't worry too much about hits and/or HRs. Focus on perfect contact. You get 50 points, I believe, for perfect contact even if you get out.
i think what they did is perfect, im tired of being the best before the first season is even over
@PriorFir4383355_XBL "What's the purpose of the game?"
To have fun. The purpose of the game is to have fun. For some people, grinding and leveling up the hard way is fun, and that's fine. For others, already playing at a high level without having to go through the grind is fun, and you know what? That's just as fine. There's nothing wrong with allowing for both styles of play.