Diamond Quest
I'm just starting Diamond Quest for the 1st time since I got the game on Tuesday do I have to play the game vs the sweeper or can I just avoid it?
I think if you skip it you'll lose some stubs and be temporarily banned from DD.
@theBlindRhino_PSN said in Diamond Quest:
I think if you skip it you'll lose some stubs and be temporarily banned from DD.
Real funny, just want an real answer because like I said I'm just starting out with DQ
@sbchamps17_NSW said in Diamond Quest:
Real funny, just want an real answer because like I said I'm just starting out with DQ
I avoided it, played the stadium and got my rewards.
You can avoid it. And it follows the same pattern on each board. I don't know the benefits of winning are, maybe someone can post that. I know if you lose you lose half your nuts.
@GixxerRyder750_PSN said in Diamond Quest:
You can avoid it. And it follows the same pattern on each board. I don't know the benefits of winning are, maybe someone can post that. I know if you lose you lose half your nuts.
Imagine Lance Armstrong pedaling with only half a nut.
@yankblan_PSN Made him faster - Less Drag.
@GixxerRyder750_PSN said in Diamond Quest:
@yankblan_PSN Made him faster - Less Drag.
I would argue it helps with drag; but who knows
@yankblan_PSN LMFAO
@sbchamps17_NSW you can just double back over spaces that you’ve already used and just avoid it . Also spaces that have bosses or challenges are de activated once played so you don’t have to redo any by stepping on them again . Just the possible bad perk based on roll.
yes you can avoid, if you beat him you can 5 packs and a positive perk, if he beats you, the game goes on and you get a negative perk, for your next moment, then it expires. apparently it's played on legend, but it's easier than I expected. I don't think I've lost to the gremlin in like 4 or 5 matches.