Can You Create Mutiple careers this year?
I know last year you could depending on skill sets, but this year those appear to be gone. CAn you have multiple careers and if so what are the limits?
My brother and I were fighting over having one career that we shared or 2 careers separately, so I need to figure this out.
Yes you can. How is he same in each game but the buttons are different based on system. What you need to do is get to the log in screen. The screen with all the different games for example rtts, diamond dynasty, storylines and so on. Once there make sure you’re on the rtts tab. For the Xbox I hit X and it gives me 3 options load, start new and one other option. Hit the start new and you’ll be prompted through the steps.
I can’t help you with PlayStation or Switch buttons but I’m sure someone in the forum can.
@GreenEydBndt_XBL On PS I'm pretty sure its square to pull up the options but it prompts you so you should be good. But ya if you just click it takes you to the previous save.
For Nintendo Switch it's the Y button
Thank you both for helping them out!
Thanks guys that really helps. I knew about last years but they got rid of archetypes so I didnt know if that mattered this year.
Go Phils! -
@GreenEydBndt_XBL said in Can You Create Mutiple careers this year?:
Yes you can. How is he same in each game but the buttons are different based on system. What you need to do is get to the log in screen. The screen with all the different games for example rtts, diamond dynasty, storylines and so on. Once there make sure you’re on the rtts tab. For the Xbox I hit X and it gives me 3 options load, start new and one other option. Hit the start new and you’ll be prompted through the steps.
I can’t help you with PlayStation or Switch buttons but I’m sure someone in the forum can.
Wait, I thought if you start a new RTTS career then it wipes out the previous career. I don't think this is what the OP wants. He wants to run two or more parallel running RTTS avatar careers.
@PriorFir4383355_XBL You can have multiple careers and not "wipe" the others away. There is a limit, I think it is five or six.
OK, thanks!