Two-way player set up
There are a lot of improvements that I think SDS has made to how RTTS works in MLB 25. One of them pertains to two-way players. You will have from the start concurrent dual overall attribute levels, one for your choice of pitcher (SP or RP) and the other for the additional fielding position that you selected.
However, and this is key, you are promoted in the system based upon your overall attribute as a pitcher. Your overall attribute in your fielding position is a bonus. So, how do you maximize your boost in the overall pitcher attribute? The most "powerful" option is to use your tokens to jack up your attribute level in the "PER/9" category. This sub-category controls H/9, HR/9, K/9, and BB/9.
Using your tokens to improve your pitches is important because it determines how successful they will be. However, it doesn't seem to boost your overall pitching attribute level nearly as directly as boosting the PER/9 sub-category.
There are no more overall attribute descriptions, no more bronze, silver, gold, and diamond levels to that. The system has been simplified and in my opinion has been made far more natural, intuitive, and accurate to the quality of your on-the-field performance.
Simply put, you make good plays and you earn points. You get a token assigned after the game ends for every 100 points you earn in that game. From what I've seen, once a token is earned, it remains yours to spend and doesn't get deducted. But, points can be deducted during a game when you make bad plays, but the penalties seem quite reasonable in terms of the countering rewards.
One example is allowing a hitter to put the ball in play on an 0-2 count. You have a -2 deduction in points, but if the contact is deemed weak, then you get a +5 reward in points, and if the fielders record an out, then you get +10 points. When the game ends, the post game menus eventually wind down to the screen where your performance is presented, and part of that you see as your tally of game points are converted into tokens via that one-to-a-hundred ratio. I don't know for sure, but I suspect that remaining points not converted to tokens are lopped off and you start the next game at zero.
This same system works for the various in-game challenges, but in addition to points, some challenges offer direct tokens as well as points. I am thinking that tokens once earned within the game, are also not deducted for subsequent bad plays, but again the points tally is going up or down as your play is scored.
Just like in real life, as you gain attribute level in any overall or sub-category, it takes more tokens to make additional improvements. Starting off around 30 in a sub-category, you might only need four tokens to ratchet the sub-category up a point in value. But, at 50 you might need 10 tokens, and then at 70 you might need 20.
In my view, this mimics real life far better than any other system I've seen SDS implement for RTTS in any previous MLB The Show series.