I can’t be the only one who…
Misses the way that overalls used to work in DD
I feel that DD is the only “Ultimate Team” mode where it made sense for live series cards to be up to 99 overall at launch.
I think a guy like Ohtani not being a 99 at launch is hilarious, and I also believe that diamonds being 85+ ruins the market from a very early point in the games lifecycle.
I miss when overalls went like this;
Diamonds were 93+
Golds were 85-92
Silvers were 75-84
Bronzes were 65-74
Commons were 64 and belowOveralls working like this gave golds and silvers value for the entire year, not just at certain moments when they had high demand, i.e. sets or collections. I wish that the system would switch back but seeing as the lower overalls have been in the game for the last few years tells me it won’t ever come back, interested to see what everyone else has to say.