Discussion of Returning Players in MLB the Show 24
Love your list. As a Giants fan, love seeing Will Clark and Matt Williams there. Kevin Mitchell would be another good one, as would Robbie Thompson. Maybe Angel Pagan, too.
As a Red Sox fan, Manny Ramirez, Tony Conigliaro, Jackie Jensen and Rico Petrocelli.
@bpwildbill11 said in Discussion of Returning Players in MLB the Show 24:
@ace_hardlight28 A-Rod is the most likely I think, because he admitted to his use of PEDs, but that's about it. I believe Bonds had some disagreement with the pa (seen it on here, but don't fully remember), and Clemens is a possibility if he opens up about his use.
Ugh. I don't care how good he is, I would actively avoid any A-Rod cards.
Even most Yankee fans can't stand the guy.
If I don't get at least 1 of these 5, I may skip '25.
- Ted
- Manny
- Yaz
- Pedroia
- Varitek
Manny would be fun to see. Ted would be great even if they do a Season 4 HOF card this year, and Dustin and Jason are underrated. Yaz is definitely someone who I haven't seen in any recent games to my knowledge, but would be interesting to see how they treat him
yankee fan here. i appreciated everything arod gave the team. he also vindicated himself in 09. hes an all time great player period
dbubreplied to ace_hardlight28 on Nov 17, 2024, 9:17 PM last edited by dbub_PSN Nov 17, 2024, 9:21 PM
@ace_hardlight28 said in Discussion of Returning Players in MLB the Show 24:
yankee fan here. i appreciated everything arod gave the team. he also vindicated himself in 09. hes an all time great player period
With or without the roids? How many times did he test positive? I know it was multiple times.
He's not like Bonds who has a clear non-steroid period where he was still great.
Not to mention his obnoxious personality, girlie-smacking the ball out of the glove in '04 and then acting like he did nothing, etc.
Also, if you have one postseason to point to in 2009 to vindicate his choker label, here were his stats from the 2009 World Series:
.250 avg
1 HRYeah the rest of his postseason was pretty great, but let's not act like he was Mr. October.
I hated Jeter at the time but I have 100% respect for him.
I have exactly zero respect for A-Rod.
I was gonna say that Phillies shut him down in that WS
And that's what A-Rod supporters call "vindication". Lol.
He was a liar, a cheat, and a choker. That's A-Rod in a nutshell.
ace_hardlight28replied to dbub on Nov 17, 2024, 9:27 PM last edited by ace_hardlight28_PSN Nov 17, 2024, 9:31 PM
@dbub steroids make you bigger and make you recover fast but they dont teach:
hand eye coordination
plate discipline
having a plan at the plate
bat speed
hitting mechanicswith or without roids these guys are all time great players. roids dont teach talent
a .973 ops in the WS is shutting down a hitter ?
. he won game 4 in the 9th and his home run in game 3 changed that game as well
ace_hardlight28replied to dbub on Nov 17, 2024, 9:30 PM last edited by ace_hardlight28_PSN Nov 17, 2024, 9:34 PM
ill gladly take a .973 ops from my hitter in the WS. oh and you left out his 6 rbi’s he had that world series too lol. oh and how is a career .822 post season ops a career post season choker ?
As a Yankee fan you have so many respectable players to be a fan of.
And you choose A-Rod? Whatever man. You do you.
he lied, got caught, owned up to lying and STILL preformed great in 09 to lead the team to the championship despite facing that adversity. i am indeed thankful for what he gave us. a huge reason why people dont like him is because he isnt as cuddly as a guy like david ortiz is but who cares
just win the [censored] title
I'm sorry but Arod should never be in this game
ace_hardlight28replied to sbchamps17 on Nov 17, 2024, 9:42 PM last edited by ace_hardlight28_PSN Nov 17, 2024, 9:44 PM
i dont see the harm in it. andy pettitte got caught using roids in the early 2000’s and he still made this years game. if you dont want to use his card then just dont use him lol
"just win the [censored] title"
What?? Big Papi has 3 rings! He just won the [censored] title. Multiple times. And is considered one of the most clutch players of all time.
It's not because he's more "cuddly".
ace_hardlight28replied to dbub on Nov 17, 2024, 9:48 PM last edited by ace_hardlight28_PSN Nov 17, 2024, 9:48 PM
ah yes everyone glossed over the infamous “vitamin milkshakes” he claimed to have caused his positive steroid test. i also find it funny that you bash arod but want manny ramirez in the game
I wish we could just get a top 3 or top 5. There are thousands of legends we could add. I think the obvious are:
Barry Bonds
Ty Cobb
Ted Williams
Roger Clemens
Joe DiMaggioNegro League players next year will be headlined by:
Oscar Charleston
Cool Papa BellI think cool milestone cards ideas could be Jose Canseco 40/40 card, Barry Bonds 762 home runs, Pete Rose 4256 Hits, and a DiMaggio 56 game hitting streak. Even a Don Mattingly 5 grand slam card would be fresh. A player they have the rights to.
Just some fresh all-time greats or fun players.
dbubreplied to ace_hardlight28 on Nov 17, 2024, 10:33 PM last edited by dbub_PSN Nov 17, 2024, 10:37 PM
@ace_hardlight28 said in Discussion of Returning Players in MLB the Show 24:
ah yes everyone glossed over the infamous “vitamin milkshakes” he claimed to have caused his positive steroid test. i also find it funny that you bash arod but want manny ramirez in the game
Manny may have been a cheat but not a liar and choker like your boy. And Manny would just be a fun addition to the game. I think most here would agree.
Oh and it's weird that MLB never suspended Papi and he's in the HOF. It's almost as if they believed him! But we should listen to random Yankee fans instead of MLB...