Too Many 99 Cards
There are just waaaay too many 99 Cards for Season 3. It just seem to dilute the meaning or value of them at a certain point.
Some will say it's just about right , some will sat its not enough.
It's fantastic to get all these 99's of every player. Tons of options, and more likely than not your favorite player or team has a few relevant cards to play with. Enjoy it.
My only issue, and it's not really an there are so many cards that I would like to use that I just don't have an opportunity to. A lot of players are very similar too.
Freeman card is AMAZING, but if i'm playing a god squat ranked and I have babe at DH, gehrig at 1B, platoon aaron or mantle at 1st. I just don't know if freeman would make my ranked squad because of who i'd have to drop off.
Betts won't fit in my OF because it's already crammed and I'm so good with biggio i don't want to drop him from 2B and I have j roll at p5 and value SS defense so don't want super slow betts there (relative to jroll)...Same reason why i won't really use lindor or seager (too many lefties with randy and donaldson looming)...
It's almost like you wish these cards were around early in the gaming cycle where everything was so stagnant and boring.
Yordan/Soto are also two cards I'd like to use that won't really use because of babe/gehrig taking up DH/1B and the glut of good defensive max hitting OF
But i understand the postseason cards couldn't be out there until the postseason.