Extreme - How are you doing this?
If you don't mind grinding, but don't want any stress, easy way is to complete MS 4x, winning 15 games, confirm quitting rest of season, sweep playoffs (all on rookie difficulty). You will complete stat missions along the way naturally.
3 vouchers=21 points
21 points x 4 MS runs=84
Stat missions=4 points each x5 missionsEasy mode, but grindy. I always in the past would run conquest, moments and missions, but I grind MS anyways, and am currently in 3rd MS run, doing it this way.
I'm doing as many Extreme Moments as I can first. Got the 5 SB one, one I desperately wanted to get! I'm knocking at the door for the Cycle one. So close...
I LOVE the challenge of the E.M.'s.
I actually was in a game when the program was dropped, so stats for that counted! I will then go the Mini-Seasons route. I can't stand turn-based Conquest maps, so I won't touch the Extreme one again this year! I'm in no rush, tbh and will be off Monday & Tuesday to grind MS. -
@sbchamps17_NSW said in Extreme - How are you doing this?:
@cjhanz84_PSN said in Extreme - How are you doing this?:
Same way I did last time, vs cpu for the repeatable xp.
The grind will be easier this time. Last time there was no regular missions or repeatable program player xp
What are you talking about? There's always a repeatable mission in programs, just not the playoff one'
The extreme program with Griffey at the end did not have missions like hit 200 homers or such.
It also did not have repeatable xp with the players you earned from the extreme program, just their one time off missions.
The only repeatable was the 25k pxp
I did the mini season route in 1 season. Won 10 games on legend, 8 on HoF and won the championship. Completed a few missions doing this and also did 3 of the moments to complete the 100.
@Ezio-I7_XBL said in Extreme - How are you doing this?:
I did the mini season route in 1 season. Won 10 games on legend, 8 on HoF and won the championship. Completed a few missions doing this and also did 3 of the moments to complete the 100.
I'm doing something similar. I got to 37 after finishing 4 general missions (16) and 7 missions (21). Need 9 vouchers (x 7 = 63) to get to 100. Could do 5 legend (3) 8 HoF (2) 1 AS (1) and Championship (3) to reach 100. There's about 15-21 pts worth of missions/moments I'm also willing to do though. I'm not in a rush to get Acuna but I do want him eventually.
I finished conquest and all of the general missions and got to 60 points. On to mini seasons.
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN said in Extreme - How are you doing this?:
I finished conquest and all of the general missions and got to 60 points. On to mini seasons.
How did you finish the conquest? Any tips would help
I skipped conquest and showdown plus moments and did only mini seasons so far. I’ve got 80 something points already I believe
@sbchamps17_NSW I did all of the turn based missions on the first turn, I didn’t take a second turn until I had just the top of the map and the Marlins left. Stole 4 on the next turn, played the remaining games until one stronghold left. Reinforced the remaining turns until six which got me over 100 fans and played the last game.
@BJDUBBYAH_PSN I pretty much did it the same way. I finished all the turn placed wins on the first round. Went to the second round with only the top left stealing 4m at that time. I was looking and getting worried because I went from 61m fans to 57m, even after stealing that 4m. So I finished up everything else on that second round, outside of one Angels territory left. I just reenforced up to the 6th turn from there and got over the 100m requirement by the skin of my teeth. I think I was at like 103m or 104m. During that I completed all the missions, I had done a handful of the moments and didn't want to do anymore of those. I was at 95 stars at that point. I played two vs CPU games on rookie at costco just crushing the ball and got 25k pxp repeatable done for a second time to get the last 5. In that process I completed the 50 hits with Polanco, but that didn't really matter.