When I load onto mlb the show it always said that I am currently disconnected and need to reconnect to access dd and storylines and more even though my network is fine and my psn is fine. Does anyone know how to fix it? If so please tell me it's been almost 2 days l.
If you have Xbox, go to the Home Screen and quit the show and then click it again. I had the same problem and it fixed it.
It’s happening for to
Sounds like an account ban.
It happened to me as well I emailed them idk why I can’t play.
It's a common bug but if you ignore it and just go into DD it will work.
@x814xmafia how do you get banned
It looks like I got banned. Just started happening randomly today. That’s my guess anyway I keep getting discconected immediatly after entering game
@AdeptOfMemory_PSN what do you mean? we cant access dd. it says we arent online. when i click dd it takes me to a loading screen then put me right back into the main menu. it also says i have 0 stubs
Restart your console.
@GoozeFn_PSN i did that, ive done everything. restore license. reset wifi, delete and redownload game
@LetEmShoot4Three_PSN having same issue currently for 25. Def not a ban, i haven't even played an online game lol. Did you figure out a fix?
has been going on for me since yesterday ? any updates?
did you figure out why this happened ?