3rd party Option
@The-Libero_XBL Well, you might get some cheap stubs. You might also get scammed or worse, banned. Good luck.
This probably isn’t the best place to ask this question. Even if you got a good answer you have now tipped off SDS and if they care they could easily take action. If you buy 3rd party stubs your vulnerable to being ripped off and or banned, there’s no getting around that.
Never, ever support 3rd party sales in games
If you do, I hope SDS catches you and gives you a well deserved lifetime ban. -
Oh get off your high horse. Because I live in a country they can’t sell to I’m at a disadvantage to many. So god forbid I look for an alternative other than sitting on my phone for hours pushing the same button looking like a moron.
It doesn't matter if you buy stubs from a 3rd party you will get your account banned which is why we're trying to tell you not to just to flip cards
@The-Libero_XBL Sitting on at least 10 million in stubs and dupes, like a moron.
Well, we can't change the laws/policies and you don't want to flip...I suppose you can either play with what you have or play a different game?
@The-Libero_XBL said in 3rd party Option:
Oh get off your high horse. Because I live in a country they can’t sell to I’m at a disadvantage to many. So god forbid I look for an alternative other than sitting on my phone for hours pushing the same button looking like a moron.
3rd party farming is a blight on gaming industry that negatively impacts others (and yes, I have been absolutely negatively impacted by this in The Show).
And you arent at a disadvantage because you cant buy stubs. This isnt a p2w game.
@The-Libero_XBL Why don't you just move to the USA so you can buy stubs?
@The-Libero_XBL What disadvantage? Play the game, flip cards and enjoy the game. I've got over 700,000 stubs and never, ever would I or will I buy stubs.
@rageincage007_XBL said in 3rd party Option:
@The-Libero_XBL What disadvantage? Play the game, flip cards and enjoy the game. I've got over 700,000 stubs and never, ever would I or will I buy stubs.
He has to play the game upside down.
This was actually very funny. Good on ya. -
@rageincage007_XBL mate, I just don’t have the time to sit and flip cards all day. The research needed to find the right cards and to see how they are going or when I was undercut. Etc. it’s too time consuming at times and to be honest, I just want a bit of instant gratification when I see a card I really want. It sucks, but I’ll most likely have to start flipping again. The third party thing looks sketchy as. So, such as life.
@The-Libero_XBL said in 3rd party Option:
@rageincage007_XBL mate, I just don’t have the time to sit and flip cards all day. The research needed to find the right cards and to see how they are going or when I was undercut. Etc. it’s too time consuming at times and to be honest, I just want a bit of instant gratification when I see a card I really want. It sucks, but I’ll most likely have to start flipping again. The third party thing looks sketchy as. So, such as life.
If you approach flipping differently you'll not have to dedicate as much time to it. If I am not spending stubs I put them on the market to flip. They eventually go through and I sell or they don't and I cancel when I want to buy.
Don't go 3rd party because it is not worth getting banned. -
@The-Libero_XBL ShowZone is quite helpful if you are looking to flip and get more info on cards.