3 hit Kevin k moment
Diamond Dynasty
This moment is such a pain in the blank I can get 2 hits no problem but it's rigged every single time I only get 3 at bats and always almost get it but dont
Bunting is your friend, I bunted for all 3 hits because he has 97 speed
Drag bunt is your friend
Yep, drag bunt 3 times and it’s super easy.
I don't think I bunted through that one but I did make it.
It pains me that “rigged” has entered the lexicon as an accepted description for situations that got the better of you, despite having had the same opportunities as others (who succeeded without much trouble).
The Kevin Pillar one was a pain for me. Breezed through the rest.
I’d normally agree but actually went 3-4 without bunting on this one. Carpenter hitting off Jose Quintana though… yuck!