Ranked HAS to change next year PLEASE SDS!!
I started tonight at 880 ranked, decided to play some before the season resets tomorrow. I got a big win! I got up to 897.
I lost an unfortunate game where after the 3rd inning nothing went my way.
Why did I drop all the way down to 875? I gained 17 on a win and lost 22 on a loss? Ranked is the least fun game mode in MLB the show.PLEASE SDS THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE.
what if they combined programs, TA, and ranked.
Example, you have to use new TA or Program cards to advance to the next ranked and the ultimate goal is to make world series in Oct like in real life. This is just off the top of my head. Getting to 900 monthly for mid cards and a jpeg that theyve been rolling out since MLB 17 is so stale and boring. Just think outside the box SDS
They could make ranked like an RPG abilities tree. You have to use EXAMPLE: OOP with the OOP captain and that series takes you through a certain part of the tree. make all the card series have their own path to WS. The more cards you get and use the more paths open up to make it easier to get to WS. I Just want something else.
That's really not that bad for SR fluctuation. Imo generally speaking about ranked systems in online games, you should always lose more than you gain. As t least to some degree. What happened to you is reasonable as you're hitting the higher echelon of the player base. The SR should absolutely be more punishing when grinding at the top.
MLB The show is surprising a more lenient and forgiving rating system than most other games. I think it should be more focussed on skill performance than win/loss ratio and what difficulty the game is on IE rookie to legend. That's ridiculous. No game should be played competitively like that. Should be one flat mechanical difficulty for all and then skill based rather than win/loss. Good competitive video games have that type of climb.
@AdeptOfMemory_PSN I've been watching a lot of Street Fighter 6 Ranked! you lose 50 and gain 50, but matches take like 5 minutes for the match and rematch if you want.
I know they are two different games, but the time it takes to play a full ranked game to lose so many points makes me so frustrated lol.I wish SDS would get with me about my World Series Tree Idea. It could be great. but we know MLB 25 is a copy of MLB 17. They've had it easy.