Challenge failed
@Sh0t-g0blin_XBL I dont know/have a wild card player, where would I go to look at that, I just recently downloaded the game and have been playing for like 2 weeks, had this challenge failed issue off and on, and now it wont let me play at all online
Could you be banned
As of May 2024 still an issue not fixed
I’m here June 23rd and I haven’t been able to play online for like over 2 weeks now , it was working fine , then one day it just stopped. I deleted and reinstalled, im at this moment connected to my hotspot and it still doesn’t work and I have T-Mobile internet so tmobile isn’t the problem, they truly have to fix their game , been building dd team for no reason it seems
Sorry but multiple people who have t mobile are having the same problem so it's definitely T-Mobile
Man… this sucks. Wife and I just bought a house, been playing the show heavy this year. We switched to T-Mobile internet and now having this “Challenge Failed” issue. I’ve never once experienced this. What a freaking joke. None of these fixes seem to work, nor should any of us have to be dealing with this.
What I dont get is last week I had this issue, I changed the WPA2/WPA3 settings, the next day i could play, and then the day after that, back to challenge failed
That’s crazy these cornballs at SDS really took took down my comment on this thread. Such a joke studio man. I ripped into them too hard I suppose smh I hope EA college football kills your “online” offline game because it sucks this year
So does anyone actually have a solution for this issue
Right because I haven’t been able to play online the last few days. I do have T-mobile
Get rid of T mobile problem solved
@WreckSmashNDash_XBL Same here
Tried this. Didn’t work. I have uninstalled numerous time. Reset router. Haven’t been able to play for like 3 weeks.
Try getting rid of T-Mobile internet