Anyone else unable to connect to the server?
Thats because xbox is down for many. I'm not an xbox user but thats what is happening
I'm connected to xbox live though. Usually when XB is down I can't connect to XB live either
I'm having issues on Xbox also
I'm having trouble connecting also
@Dolenz64_XBL yeah it's not just MLB, Madden is down, etc. And my son can't get into minecraft
Looks like it's a Microsoft issue
It's Happening! Sky net is taking over the world! No wait I'm over reacting . It'll be up soon.
Always check Xbox status, it has been down for two hours now
Seems like it’s down overall that’s weird
I just tried to log in. It looks like I'm logged into the Xbox, but can't connect to the Show.
I am having my issue on the PlayStation
It's still down? I'm working won't be home til 10pm pacific time.