Player Development System
I would really like to see this updated, if not overhauled. I understand that you don't want crazy volatility in player ratings, but the current system effectively removes the possibility of breakout stars like Ronald Acuna or Juan Soto. When they started on the game they may have been about 80 overall, which is nuts for their age at the time, but based on the current system you'd have to go through 3+ seasons for them to get to true superstar status, even though it was clear they were absolute stars from the outset.
Ex. I simulated a season where I had Drew Jones hit for .400 with 115 home runs (lots of work to make that happen) and by the end of the season his contact and power had only gone up about 20 points each. That would be great improvement based on normal stats, but 115 home runs in a single season at 20 years old means you're going to be the greatest player in history. Should his ratings not reflect that immediately?
I would like to see statistics play a bigger role in player development, particularly with younger players having the opportunity to make larger jumps (or drops) in their ratings if their performance warrants it.
PS please add the Pirates red jersey from 2007.
They have occasional Generational Talent players in the draft. They will be 18 years old, with around 80 overall, and 99 potential
@bste27 you could just edit the ratings yourself. If you’re willing to hit 100 home runs why not just change the ratings to your liking?
First, I have seen many examples where players in Franchise auto-developed from the 70's and less to into the mid nineties. Second, in Franchise, you have the direct ability to edit any player's attributes on an item by item basis, and by that action, custom tailor a player's overall attribute level.
You can do that second step for players on the team you GM for but also for all thirty teams.
So, your original points appear to me at least to make no sense. Why does SDS need to amend something that you as the player already have the ability to customize in whatever way you desire.
I have a generational talent CF I drafted and after his first season of winning a gold glove and rookie of the year he’s an 88, 18 year old. So yes it can happen as you describe, it’s just rare and you more than likely have to start with a generational talent.