haviing a tough time to get motivated
having a really tough time getting motivated to pick up the controller , this season 2 [censored] has stolen all my motivation and converted it into angst , i had finally amassed a great catalog of players for all situations and now im back to square one
I feel the same way and I’ve played this game everyday(sans being away on vacation) since 21
Yesterday was the first day that I was home with nothing to do and wasn’t even tempted to play
I turned the game on to look at content and then turned it off… feel the same way today as well
I could deal with the sets/seasons model that was in last years game
But this new model of starting from scratch every 2 months is not for me
@mookieparlaybetts_MLBTS i finally pulled the bandade off , and then the announcer [censored] started , then all of a sudden they started to sound like ZZ Top and Metalica
@hoo_pharted_PSN you and a large group of the fanbase.
Just play casual. SDS doesn't need the fanbase to stop playing altogether, just stop playing the game modes they want to force you to play. If no one played by their stupid rules they would have to change them.
I've had more than my fill of grinding out programs just for collection fodder. It's even worse now since those collections won't be completed for over 2 months, leaving little time to use the rewards.
So when I saw the hard to believe it's so terrible TA program, that killed any enthusiasm I had for s2 (and the game in general).