The Late Night League '24
@AGStros Hey man sorry i am not gonna pay to play this game. I already pay to play online and this game isn't worth the money I've paid already. No offense to you. I'm not against paid leagues. I'm just not paying for one for THIS game.
Good luck
@AdeptOfMemory It's free man. It is stated in CAPITAL LETTERS by the OP.
@yankblan Sent me a message on PSN saying it wasn't free.
It's free. I'm in it too
@sportsfanms Yep, can confirm. Haven't paid a dime (but had to give my CC number and social, but whatev)
Message me for future openings. Ty
@AdeptOfMemory What's your PSN ID. I can PROMISE you $100 that I NEVER sent you a message saying that this league was pay to play. I can SEND PROOF.
@Jack_B_Brazen Thanks Jack! But there's a Master League List floating around on Facebook showing that you're Hall of Fame talent.
@MarinerMatt01 You still interested in the Mariners? What's your PSN ID?
Currently have the following teams available:
19-2 Atlanta Braves
5-11 Texas Rangers(first come, first serve... send your request to AGStros on PSN)
DRAFTING TODAY! FINAL SPOTS - EML has 3 final openings for SEASON TWELVE. HOF. PLAYER DRAFT Prize League has been running year-round since 2020 on The Show and before that on MLB 2k. $1800 in prizes -->
Super interested if any spots are open..
Badboykillah617 PSN -
Hey super interested in joining. Gamertag is RDH-Frostyyy
@RDH-Frostyyy I'll try sending you a league invite through the game. But do you have a PlayStation account so we can chat?
@badboykillah617 Just sent you a DM via PSN.
I’m interested if you have availability.
We do have one spot available, what's your PSN ID?