Flash sale results
Pulled 3 LS Ohtani
Pulled Ozuna from the free season awards pack and didn't spend any stubs on packs just cheap players that I wanted
I missed whatever the flash sale was.. but bought a cam releigh for 20k more than he currently is selling for a with a buy order I forgot I had in in place.
99 Marte
Missed them. In the hospital
Hope your OK
Hope all is well...
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X Get better bro.
Pulled & sold Azuna, Gil and Martini. Brought Posada
Pulled Ozuna, made 40k, bought Adley for 70k for net 30k who's automatically my wild card now so I'm pretty happy
@OlSkoolE63 said in Flash sale results:
Pulled & sold Azuna, Gil and Martini. Brought Posada
That Posada card is so good. I always love his cards
@samguenther1987 wish he had pop up, but I’ll take the switch hitting catcher