Co-Op Losses
@AdeptOfMemory You can’t say people that defend SDS are terrible then come and insult someone else
@NIXONtheBOSS What? I'm sorry I'm missing something. I'm not being..........difficult.... condescending???.....when I say you can't tell me what I can and can't do. I'll do as I please.
I'll never say people can't insult me. They can do what they want. I'll insult them back. -
Your not wrong about your stance or anything like that but you usually shouldn’t insult someone who is the only one being nice to you
I don’t think you understand that you insulted me by saying my responses are stupid
@NIXONtheBOSS People don't just defend SDS. They blindly ignore SDS issues and attack the games who have nothing to do with the issues other than they voice their frustrations with it.
Lemme give you and example:
A game will make a post about a glitch or something that shouldn't happen in the game.
Bl0w J0b will dig up their gameplay and tell them how bad they are at striking out and pitching and think that totally negates the bugs and issues and completely deflect all criticism away from SDS in to the player. That's a problem. -
I am fine that you are defending yourself, but I was agreeing with you and you insulted me
@NIXONtheBOSS I never said they were. I said in general I don't care if the response is stupid or not I learn something from them. I never said YOU are you stupid or have said something stupid to me. Others have said stupid things and I still enjoy their replies.
You're being rather cordial and somewhat respectful especially the past few posts. You're replying to me and giving me your time. I like that. I also enjoy replying to Bl0w J0b. He's just more of a [censored] and troll at this point but I find value in many things he says. Still a [censored] and troll. -
@AdeptOfMemory in this thread, you’ve admitted to, waiting out freeze offs when losing, which is childish and toxic. And setting your controller down to let a mercy happen for free XP, selfish and toxic.
Competitive online gameplay is not for you.
AdeptOfMemoryreplied to BJDUBBYAH on May 28, 2024, 5:21 PM last edited by AdeptOfMemory_PSN May 28, 2024, 5:23 PM
@BJDUBBYAH Why is waiting out freezes childish?why do you think just because you have the lead you sre entitled to the win? Why are you mad at the other player for simply staying in the game? What gives you the right to have the game? Why are you not asking SDS to fix these issues instead of insulting your fellow player?
Been playing competitive games for a long time and likely longer than you've been alive. This is the only game in recent history with this issue.
@AdeptOfMemory you mean you’ve been a toxic griefer in online competitive play for a long time.
AdeptOfMemoryreplied to BJDUBBYAH on May 28, 2024, 5:47 PM last edited by AdeptOfMemory_PSN May 28, 2024, 5:48 PM
@BJDUBBYAH Other games don't have freeze offs, so no. Now answer my questions please.
@AdeptOfMemory much like a regulation MLB game being called after the 5th inning due to unforeseen circumstances, the players losing in a frozen co-op game should concede as well.
I hope that helps.
AdeptOfMemoryreplied to BJDUBBYAH on May 28, 2024, 6:26 PM last edited by AdeptOfMemory_PSN May 28, 2024, 6:29 PM
@BJDUBBYAH Oh nice so SDS should make this game more realistic is what you're saying? So when a players controller dies should the other player surrender since that option is available to them?
I mean for starters I would remove the freeze offs entirely instead of blaming the other player for it and point to SDS.
It's astounding you won't say "SDS needs to fix this." Instead you cry and call people childish for simply doing nothing but waiting until the game unfreezes. It's childish to think this way.
@AdeptOfMemory okay griefer.
@BJDUBBYAH Dude, you prove me right every time. Why can you not simply admit SDS needs to fix this issue?
@AdeptOfMemory no thanks griefer.
@AdeptOfMemory no you’re wrong here, what you describe is absolutely griefing. Whether you like it or not if you’re waiting out a freeze off while losing you are in the wrong. End of story
AdeptOfMemoryreplied to TheCanuckler309 on May 28, 2024, 7:06 PM last edited by AdeptOfMemory_PSN May 28, 2024, 7:07 PM
@TheCanuckler309 Game freezes. Players both want to play a full game and see it through. Player who may be losing but wants to keep playing stays in freeze off with hopes the game comes back. Griefer.
So SDS is not all to blame but the player who has nothing to do with the big is?That's not griefing.
Can you admit SDS has a freeze and glitch problem that needs to be resolved?