5-14-2024 - Disconnections
Been getting them all morning. Most recently, during a showdown run.
@arvcpa this happened to me the other day. I restarted my PS5 and didn’t have any more disconnects. Worth trying.
Yeah I have had the same problem in conquest lost connection 3 times in 15 min span. @GoozeFn_PSN so I did what you said restarted my Xbox so far so good thanks.
@AdeptOfMemory said in 5-14-2024 - Disconnections:
SDS commonly has server and disconnections issues. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do other than report it. It's just the way it is. Also, when the SDS simps flock to this post to gaslight you into thinking is your internet have some speed tests ready and make sure to say you're hardlined with zero packet loss. They will still find a way to blame you but don't listen to them. It's just SDS servers. They run them off of a raspberry pie inside an old Crayola box.
they were doing server maintenance this morning. They posted it.
Just tried to get on and cant connect.
Same here, cant connect,
I think they forgot to plug the internet cord back in , I can't even get online.
@arvcpa said in 5-14-2024 - Disconnections:
Hi All - I jumped in for a quick CQ game this morning after being exiled due to exceeding my allotment of XPs.
I got the dreaded "you have been disconnected from the Show" 4 times. Twice in-game, twice when trying to collect S1 cards. This really hasn't been an issue for me this game cycle. Anyone else having the same issue? My internet is fine - I'm online for work...
Yes just got disconnected in the middle of a game due to the same server issues SDS has been having since 2014 that they still haven’t fixed due to laziness. Still can’t get logged in.
@GoozeFn said in 5-14-2024 - Disconnections:
@arvcpa this happened to me the other day. I restarted my PS5 and didn’t have any more disconnects. Worth trying.
I normally reboot when having issues and it usually works. I've been offline for a few hours, went back in, and it just keeps saying "You're not connected". I'm on East Coast, in the northeast FL area.
@Pergo said in 5-14-2024 - Disconnections:
Yeah definitely looks like some server issues after the maintenance.
Isn’t maintenance supposed to FIX the problem
I'm at 4,450 points in my current BR run. If I get disconnected in my next game, I will be inconsolable. I'm amazed I've made it that far in BR, and I probably won't again...
@chucky97___ They must do that alot.
Just finished the extreme showdown…just to be disconnected after I finished the Kerry wood moment….log back in and it says I quit before completing it and I have to do it over again l. Complete
. Fix your
playing a cpu game 7th inning dissconnet just trying to xp grind rn
It made me spin the wheel when I logged back in cause i got disconnected and I just landed on the 5 pack but it never gave it to me lol....these dudes are something else
Two months in and booted at the end of my Mini Seasons run. This year has really just become laughable.
Any one get back on yet?
@GennaTailea I'm too scared...