Events Reward Choice Packs
Hello SDS, posting this in hopes that one of your devs reads it and takes my feedback into consideration. The events choice packs are non-sellable, and for all of the people who earned the cards in their original event and then collected them, this becomes earning a duplicate card which makes it an insignificant and pretty frustrating reward. I’d rather see a somewhat longer event program maybe 50 wins with the top player at the end and there being two other players at say 15 and 30. It would make the top card more rare because you have to grind for it and it would lead to more stubs/rewards for the effort plus an extra card to collect. The other easy option would be to make them sellable but then everyone will sell them so that’s like 5k profit each time and I’m not very interested in that, if you did other choice packs in there though that would be better. Even if it’s a non-sellable classics pack or season awards or something that came from the shop then that would give me more excitement because I know it’ll be something new to me not something I’ve already earned. Old chase packs would be really cool literally anything could be better than what it currently is.
The move is to sell the card when you earn it in the event, then collect the no sell from the rewind pack. Then you just have the one.
@BJDUBBYAH said in Events Reward Choice Packs:
The move is to sell the card when you earn it in the event, then collect the no sell from the rewind pack. Then you just have the one.
@BJDUBBYAH you’re missing the point, I don’t want to earn the same card twice, I’d rather another new card be introduced then having to get wins for players I’ve already grinded to earn. There’s so many other packs they could put in there that would benefit us for collections more. We have to collect 400 cards in the season and they’re giving us duplicates.
@Chandaman625 ok so you get the reward card, sell it. Then collect the one from rewind. The stubs you get from selling the first one you use to buy another card for the collection. Not rocket science.
@Chandaman625 I think you might be missing the point. There’s new cards each event, when you earn that new card, sell it as it’s sellable, then in the next event, take the no sell version of the card you sold, and collect that one.
Prices used to skyrocket for old event cards in previous games because the supply would drop so low as people collected them. There would be lines hundreds of orders deep at the max sell cap for garbage cards. The rewind packs help to keep the market moving, and they were a positive change made from player feedback.
Do what others have already suggested if you want to maximize stubs. Sell the card during the event when they are first available, and choose them in the next event with the rewind pack. Use those stubs to buy other cards you don't own. Or use the card you earn the first time without locking it in, and then get rid of the sellable version when you get the no sell duplicate for less stubs. There are plenty of legitimate complaints for the game this year. Rewind packs are not one of them
@BJDUBBYAH Or just play every other event to get all the cards.
Man, I can't wait, if they do it the same, when the OP runs into The Forever Event at the end of the year.