Event Durations are Too Long
@TheCanuckler309 said in Event Durations are Too Long:
I just went 10-1 in BR, my last 4 games were all against flawless players, the last game was against someone like 120-16 ish, my reward switched from Acuna to Altuve, definitely worth the grind sweating out those games to get a card worth 4.5k might as well have played events where it would have been quicker and against worse players smh.
@RealPudgyPanda said in Event Durations are Too Long:
Events were changed to two weeks because a significant portion of the player base has to play a lot of games to get 20 wins. For every 35-0, 35-1, 20-0, 20-1, etc player, there’s a bunch of players that cumulatively spent hours going 0-35, 1-35, 0-20, 1-20, etc. It’s easy for someone like me at 35-1 to say they last too long but part of my reward of going 35-1 is now I can go spend my time doing something else in the game instead of continuing to play the event (or continuing it if I find it enjoyable to continue).
If nothing else interests you right now, that’s not a problem with the event length. It’s a problem that nothing else interests you. So leave events alone, they’re not the problem.
Bro if the event last 7 days and the reward is at the 20th win like it is now… that’s literally 4 wins a day for 5 out of the 7 days the event would be live… 4 wins of 3 inning games
That is not asking a lot from anyone… especially given the fact that you can choose who you play in events and who you don’t. If a person isn’t that good and matches up with a goon they don’t have to play the game… they can quit and just match up until the find a scrub
My point is that there’s really no reason for an event to last 14 days when there’s minimal online modes in the game to start with
It’s part of the problem why the online portion of this game just feels stale
Nerfing BR so it’s not a guaranteed stub maker anymore, events lasting 2 weeks among other things are done so more people will go out and purchase stubs since there isn’t really that many ways of making them thru online gameplay this year
That’s why I feel events should be shortened to give online players another avenue to make stubs on a weekly basis
@mookieparlaybetts said in Event Durations are Too Long:
That’s why I feel events should be shortened to give online players another avenue to make stubs on a weekly basis
Sure. Now give offline players a method to get sellable cards too and guaranteed diamonds too.
One of the 1% of people that is able to get a source of guaranteed diamonds and sellable cards and you are complaining that you want even more? Fine, but get in line.
@Teak2112 said in Event Durations are Too Long:
@mookieparlaybetts said in Event Durations are Too Long:
That’s why I feel events should be shortened to give online players another avenue to make stubs on a weekly basis
Sure. Now give offline players a method to get sellable cards too and guaranteed diamonds too.
One of the 1% of people that is able to get a source of guaranteed diamonds and sellable cards and you are complaining that you want even more? Fine, but get in line.
The rewards for online players shouldn’t be anywhere near the same for offline players
Playing online against others is harder to do than playing the computer so yea your point doesn’t really make sense
25, 36,28 and currently 7 wins. Two weeks gives me something to do in the game after all my desired content is finished.
@RealPudgyPanda said in Event Durations are Too Long:
@mookieparlaybetts said in Event Durations are Too Long:
Bro if the event last 7 days and the reward is at the 20th win like it is now… that’s literally 4 wins a day for 5 out of the 7 days the event would be live… 4 wins of 3 inning games
That is not asking a lot from anyone… especially given the fact that you can choose who you play in events and who you don’t. If a person isn’t that good and matches up with a goon they don’t have to play the game… they can quit and just match up until the find a scrub
My point is that there’s really no reason for an event to last 14 days when there’s minimal online modes in the game to start with
It’s part of the problem why the online portion of this game just feels stale
Nerfing BR so it’s not a guaranteed stub maker anymore, events lasting 2 weeks among other things are done so more people will go out and purchase stubs since there isn’t really that many ways of making them thru online gameplay this year
That’s why I feel events should be shortened to give online players another avenue to make stubs on a weekly basis
Some people lose 10 event games in a row where 4 wins is a great day. “Scrubs” only exist if you’re quite good at the game. For everyone else, they’re just called “opponents.” You seriously lack empathy for a significant portion of the player base and it’s just depressing.
Yes, they’ve made stub-making through BR harder. They’ve also made stub-making through ranked harder. They’ve also made stub-making through offline modes harder. None of that is a reason to make events shorter. Being upset with other changes to the game isn’t a reason to make it suck more for people that aren’t you.
Can we please stop with the hyper sensitive “lacking empathy”
Like really this is a video game chill out.
And when I said scrubs I’m literally just saying you don’t have to play difficult opponents in events… you can home hunt and opponent hunt all you want… that’s why I’m saying 14 days is far too long to let people get 20 wins
I’m not here calling people out for their skills or lack of skills at the game… hell im no Frostie at this game either lol
All I’m saying is to make the online portion of this game seem a bit fresher and give players something to work for on a more consistent basis maybe a shorter event duration can do the trick
But that would also mean sds has to churn out more rewards… which would also be a W for the player base.
I really don’t see how anyone can complain or be upset at my suggestion
@mookieparlaybetts said in Event Durations are Too Long:
I really don’t see how anyone can complain or be upset at my suggestion
That's because you only see the world through your elitist eyes and don't consider anyone else.
Perhaps a good compromise would be to keep it at 2 weeks so people have time to get to the 20 wins but extend the reward path further. I think it ends at 30 wins now, right? I forget the exact number, but maybe extend it out to 40 or 50 wins with a 10 pack bundle every 5 wins along the way. Then people that finish the 20 wins quickly can keep going if they want.
@Pergo said in Event Durations are Too Long:
Perhaps a good compromise would be to keep it at 2 weeks so people have time to get to the 20 wins but extend the reward path further. I think it ends at 30 wins now, right? I forget the exact number, but maybe extend it out to 40 or 50 wins with a 10 pack bundle every 5 wins along the way. Then people that finish the 20 wins quickly can keep going if they want.
I think they need to extend most program tracks, and ranked in particular should get some kind of wheel spin mechanic to encourage people to keep playing
But putting vault packs (and make them guaranteed to drop at least one diamond) as a 40 and 50 win reward for events seems reasonable
@Teak2112 said in Event Durations are Too Long:
@mookieparlaybetts said in Event Durations are Too Long:
I really don’t see how anyone can complain or be upset at my suggestion
That's because you only see the world through your elitist eyes and don't consider anyone else.
So you’re saying you’d have a problem being able to earn more stubs/rewards during this game cycle
And you’re saying I’m an elitist bc I’d like sds to give us more rewards and more ways to earn stubs by making the events one week instead of two
Makes sense, Got it!!
@mookieparlaybetts said in Event Durations are Too Long:
So you’re saying you’d have a problem being able to earn more stubs/rewards during this game cycle
And you’re saying I’m an elitist bc I’d like sds to give us more rewards and more ways to earn stubs by making the events one week instead of two
Makes sense, Got it!!
Shorter events is detrimental to significantly more people than its beneficial for. You have a 'me me me' attitude here, where only 'me' matters, and screw everyone else.
You also say you want SDS to give 'us' more ways to earn stubs, but again you mean 'me' here, you already said you feel offline players should be treated worse so you've shown your hand. This is also why you are an elitist.
I'm all for rewarding people with faster progression if they are better at the game, but event length should not be catered to the top 1%. And right now the top 1% should be last in line with extra stub making methods because they are already better off than everyone else on top of their faster progression.
We could always just play the game because weekend baseball. Not because we are getting 'paid' (stubs, cards, or packs) to play it.
I play this game a ton and am glad they are longer this year. My plan is to play every other event because of the rewind packs. I’d much rather more programs than more events.
@x814xmafia said in Event Durations are Too Long:
We could always just play the game because weekend baseball. Not because we are getting 'paid' (stubs, cards, or packs) to play it.
To be fair, I think there are plenty of game modes for just that
Diamond Dynasty is essentially an RPG for sports nerds. And the point of RPGs is to progress.
I would suggest an offline event and BR as well with an obvious higher win requirement. I would feel confident against the cpu's team builds lol
I sure do wish there was a new event to grind this weekend.
@mookieparlaybetts said in Event Durations are Too Long:
I sure do wish there was a new event to grind this weekend.
Events are way too short as is should be a month long