Did they scare off all the casuals already ?
No exaggeration, I have played against a grand total of 2 people with a losing ranked record ALL YEAR LONG.
No matter what division of ranked or how many wins in events, it’s just World Series icon and flawless banners everywhere.
The pitching and foul balls continue to be abysmally bad. They went way too far the other way with perfect input on a pitch being right on the black and called a ball.
I enjoy some good old fashioned competition most of the time, but 100%? Hell no. Where are the newbie casuals I can just chill out and play against even 10% of the time?!
All those players with winning records have to be beating someone.
I don't know about online play but I could see the game driving away casuals in offline play. Before the Double XP this weekend the XP and Stubs have come in at a slow drip.
Event is the anti-casual mode in the first place as only wins matter, and has terrible matchmaking
BR used to be fine, but apparently its the best stub generator this year so its dominated by people trying for 10-0
Ranked is still pretty chill in 400-500 -
@bjd10048 we play co-op because it’s fun.
@BJDUBBYAH Freeze offs are alright from time to time. They grow on you.