Rule 5 draft broken
I’ve submitted a ticket with no response, but the CPU Teams will never select players in the rule 5 draft from the human controlled team. I’ve purposely left young A and B potential players unprotected and they are simply never taken. Anyone know a better way to contact dev team for a fix as rule 5 is a huge part of franchise and having human controlled team players ignored is a big problem for franchise.
Is anyone else experiencing this in franchise mode? Do CPU teams ever take your players in the rule 5 draft? I haven’t seen this issue anywhere else and has never been a problem in previous years franchise mode so I’m wondering if I should uninstall/reinstall. I have tried restarting franchise multiple times and purposely left a few strong prospects unprotected but they never get scooped up.
I've had players eligible for rule 5 draft that were drafted last year. Max Anderson was taken in 2023 out of Nebraska. Max Clark was taken in same draft. M.Anderson is eligible for rule 5 draft while Max Clark isn't.
@paultigerfan8484 said in Rule 5 draft broken:
I've had players eligible for rule 5 draft that were drafted last year. Max Anderson was taken in 2023 out of Nebraska. Max Clark was taken in same draft. M.Anderson is eligible for rule 5 draft while Max Clark isn't.
Usually goes by age, 18 yr olds it's 5 years and 19+ it's 4 years to rule 5.
@PAinPA if a player is signed at 19 they have 4 years. Anyone drafted last year is not eligible for the Rule 5 draft. Max Anderson was drafted out of college last year. SDS must have it triggered at age 23
Rule 5 worked fine in the show 23, but for this years game I’ve summed through 2034 multiple times and never had a single player taken in rule 5. I’ve also checked and seen that I have younger, higher overall and higher potential players unprotected and the CPU will take older, worse, lower potential players from other CPU controlled teams. Leads me to believe human controlled players are never added to the rule5 eligibility. Their player card will say “yes” for rule 5 eligible but they will not be selected.
I see it too. Seems like a bug with 40-man roster set to manual, not placing human controlled team players in Rule 5 draft. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.
@TWIN_GALAXY said in Rule 5 draft broken:
I see it too. Seems like a bug with 40-man roster set to manual, not placing human controlled team players in Rule 5 draft. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.
Thank you for confirming, was starting to think I was the only one experiencing it!
Latest update included no franchise fixes, unfortunately rule 5 draft is still broken.
Rule 5 draft issue fixed in the most recent update!
There was nothing to fix tbh I've had plenty of good players sniped in the Rule 5 draft. It's possible the CPU has had their 40-man roster full from logjamming their major leagues with 8-10 SPs and clogging up spots with overpaid starting caliber backups