How did I reach the XP cap…?
Is the XP cap really only 10-15k? I was at 520k last night (didn’t play any games because I had nothing to do, just flipped cards), and I’m currently at 538k and realized I’ve been frozen at that number for the past 3-4 hours. A big chunk of that 18k is from the new content, so it’s not nearly all gameplay.
Wtf SDS… now I’m in the position where I’m wondering if I should hold off on the new content because I don’t want to waste it when I can’t earn XP.
xp cap is only gameplay xp. program xp doesnt count against it
However, the offline content was extremely light in xp so unless you did ranked or BR you likely got little
Really, really dumb of SDS to not raise the cap at least for this weekend if they werent going to give decent program xp
"There will be plenty of XP in all the programs"
@AstrosJake I couldn’t even finish the new conquest map without hitting the cap it’s insane how low it is. I refuse to believe this will make people want to play more