Alot of stub transfers going on tonight
All you gotta do is catch and profit from them.
I don’t know maybe I’m missing something but why are we supposed to care if someone buys stubs from a 3rd party?
@genuinejam because it's not right. Why spend all the time grinding and flipping to get stubs if others can just buy a million stubs for under $200.
@go4stros25 you right but if SDS chooses not to do anything which they have yet to do on obvious manipulation what else can you do?
@DEF266 what makes you think they haven't/aren't doing somthing?
@go4stros25 its been happening for years and during those years same patterns. Player cards, equpment, jerseys, ive seen it all. But I bet if you bought from the secondary stub sellers you would be banned instantly.
@DEF266 I would never cheat. I'm an astros fan.
@go4stros25 Buzz
@go4stros25 said in Alot of stub transfers going on tonight:
@genuinejam because it's not right. Why spend all the time grinding and flipping to get stubs if others can just buy a million stubs for under $200.
When you price people out of things, either money-wise or time-wise, you incentivize the black market.
More people will buy stubs the official way, for sure.
More people will also go this route. I say, good for them. F SDS for their market manipulation this year.
There is a youtuber - small one that has his vids sponsored by a stubs re-seller and it kind of ticks me off but IF he was even reported would SDS do anything ? --
@SuntLacrimae50 They could go also the NBA2k route where they eliminated the market all together.
@blitz77tw Healy use to promote one cant blame them if its income though
So, you are angry that someone is paying a third party for stubs at a discount and not paying Sony/SDS even more money.
@DEF266 Every night when I look at Shownation flipping, there are always random HR celebrations going for $5K even though they're useless. It says 7 transcations per minute but when I jump in nothing sells!
@bjd10048 Exactly, look at the time of purchases. usually all sell with a minute or 2 if you look at completed orders. its so obvious whats going on.