RTTS Corrupted File
@J_Reacher_7 Nope, just happened to me on my Twins catcher. I was still in AAA so I didn’t lose that much progress but man does it suck to have to go through the character creator again since we can’t save appearance or anything.
It happened to me while I was getting promoted to AAA. This is what I did to fix it. I made sure my data was saved then I deleted the game, restarted my PS5 and then reinstalled it. It worked perfectly fine after that, haven’t had any problems since
Just had this happen to my mets CF. Last game played was the all star game, 94 rating, diamond perks and equipment. Not happy
@Jadz84 they also don’t seem to be in a rush to fix the bugs that appeared with the last update
Still not working, and support hasn't replied either. Sent 3 e-mail replies 2 complaints and haven't had a reply.
I just got mine fixed without relinking good luck with everyone else im on xbox series x
@Si1verBu11et357 How did you fix it?
I need mine fixed to how?
Mine just corrupted too. I lost all my points on my upgrades, everything. PS5 Negro league edition, All the extra stuff I paid for is gone. I feel cheated, I wanna cry
Since this has happened to me before, hopefully this'll help someone out. Usually, when this happens to me, restarting the game fixes the problem. Idk if I've just been lucky but often the bug isnt that my file's been corrupted, it's that the game thinks it's been corrupted, so restarting the game, sometimes unplugging and plugging back in the ethernet cable in case it's a network issue, and trying again does the trick. If it doesn't, the save is gone, it sucks but there's really nothing anyone can do to help you.
To avoid this entirely, what works for me is:
Turn off autosave.
Always have at least 2 saves up at all times. When I finish a series I save one and then after the next series I save the other, repeating that throughout the season so that if one save gets corrupted, at least I won't have to roll back too far.
If one of your files is corrupted, restart the game. Don't try to load any of the others, it might corrupt those too if you try.
Upload a save to the cloud (as often as or as little as you want) so that you have a 3rd emergency backup in case everything else fails.
In my experience, all you can really do is be prepared. Every year I run into this issue so I always have to plan ahead in case restarting the game doesn't "fix" the save.
Ive had this happen to me twice now, once with a player on the tigers and now with the Yankees. I deleted the game. Ive wasted so much time on playing each player and im over it.
No I’m on the cubs and this just happened to me 1st baseman was about to make the majors too, it’s so irritating.
File is still corrputed, cannot play and I refuse to start over. Fix this asap.
My RTTS cannot load the saved data because it’s corrupted too. I just got into the majors and I’m almost an 80 overall 2B. Please fix this. It’s very frustrating on all of us RTTS users.
Same issue here. Number 1 prospect in the Yankees org. About to be called up! Please figure this out.
I just had the same issue happen! I made it to majors, ranked #2 prospect and a rating of 85 and now it won’t load! I was just playing 2 hours ago! Who can fix this for me asap?! I do not want to start over!!
Same thing here. Triple A Diamondbacks CF. Been playing for about 2 weeks. Now it says file is corrupted.
Still no fix. SDS doesn’t care about RTTS at all. I don’t think I’ll buy another Show after this one.
Having the same issue with my Seattle SS!
my file was corrupted and I emailed support, a few days later I logged on and my file was completely gone! I am very very frustrated by this. and no one seems to have any answers as to what is going on