Extra jelly bean vouchers???
So you can only complete the exchanges once each for the Hidden egg and the spring chicken pack.
I already have excess jelly bean vouchers. Has SDS said what these will be exchanged for in the future? Seems like an unfair usage of pack space that could be occupied by equipment/icons, etc if there's no use once you go over 115 of these
As now, they serve no purpose past 115. It makes me mad too because you usually get a jersey or somthing you can quicksell.
Hopefully they will make the vouchers able to be quicksold for 100 stubs, but I doubt it.
Their plan is to leave them until people naturally earn about 40-50, since you need 100 of them for the pack, then they will be removed so your only option is to buy lots of packs to get the rest or let them all expire worthless
And to people say I'm being overly negative, please take a look at the state of the rest of diamond dynasty and tell me this isn't what's exactly going to happen.
@suzypuff14 not to be a conspiracy theorist, but if they come out and say something like "last day to finish jelly bean exchange" then yes, that was their goal.
But if it just expires and people were all given plenty of time to complete it, then I see no problem other than the amount of vouchers that can't be quicksold.
You’re telling me man, I have 199 jelly bean vouchers, and I’ve already done both exchanges lol
I thought I was bad, I only have around 60 extra right now.