If you think SDS is bad..
2k way worse. Like WAY worse
@Captain_Chegster said in If you think SDS is bad..:
@JEEZY-E said in If you think SDS is bad..:
If you think this game is bad and you think SDS is bad, you clearly haven't played an EA sports title.
Call of Duty seems to be doing just fine. You should try it.
what does Activision have to do with EA sports or EA in general?
@Captain_Chegster said in If you think SDS is bad..:
@JEEZY-E said in If you think SDS is bad..:
If you think this game is bad and you think SDS is bad, you clearly haven't played an EA sports title.
Call of Duty seems to be doing just fine. You should try it.
Lol, go to a COD message board. All the titles are glitch this, glitch that, how to boost, no thanks.
2k is the **** stain in gaming. I loathe that company. For all the people here bashing SDS, you have no idea how good you have it
SDS is the only one of them that genuinely cares about their community. Not just their wallets.
@Conmaniac01 said in If you think SDS is bad..:
2k way worse. Like WAY worse
Have to say EA is by far the scummiest, I don't mind some 2k titles, Mafia franchise was good and I am really enjoying the golf club 2019, one of the few remaining games with no micro transactions.
@JEEZY-E said in If you think SDS is bad..:
@Conmaniac01 said in If you think SDS is bad..:
2k way worse. Like WAY worse
Have to say EA is by far the scummiest, I don't mind some 2k titles, Mafia franchise was good and I am really enjoying the golf club 2019, one of the few remaining games with no micro transactions.
No I love 2k. It is my fav gameplay of any game by far. But the content and the people who run Myteam (2k's version of DD) are so scummy and do not listen to the community AT ALL. Atleast SDS listens
there are a ton of EA and 2K games that are fine.
last year didn't we have the SAME issue with fielders not locking onto the ball? then they fixed it. and its back. and they have NO IDEA how to fix it, because they just released a patch that made it worse.
SDS is far worse than EA or 2k. EA and 2K are publishers. like sony is the publisher. sony doesnt make the game, SDS makes the game.
if you wanna pick on EA and 2K, then do it the right way. call out the STUDIOS who make the game.
@VEGAS__T said in If you think SDS is bad..:
EA > SDS > 2k
NO. this is not apples to apples. EA and 2K are publishers... do you guys know the difference or just not care to be correct?
@BattleBones86 said in If you think SDS is bad..:
there are a ton of EA and 2K games that are fine.
last year didn't we have the SAME issue with fielders not locking onto the ball? then they fixed it. and its back. and they have NO IDEA how to fix it, because they just released a patch that made it worse.
SDS is far worse than EA or 2k. EA and 2K are publishers. like sony is the publisher. sony doesnt make the game, SDS makes the game.
if you wanna pick on EA and 2K, then do it the right way. call out the STUDIOS who make the game.
Right, EA has no power in the direction of a game, they just have to take what the studios give them, EA doesn't direct them at all and are a victim in this video game industry.
That's sarcasm btw
There is a reason EA has been voted worst company many times, saying "it's not them it's the publishers" is laughable. EA pulls all the strings, they say what they want.
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@BattleBones86 said in If you think SDS is bad..:
@VEGAS__T said in If you think SDS is bad..:
EA > SDS > 2k
NO. this is not apples to apples. EA and 2K are publishers... do you guys know the difference or just not care to be correct?
Purely rating them based on the games they put their name on. If you didn’t want to be associated with the game don’t put your name in BIG BOLD LETTERS on the f’n cover
@VEGAS__T said in If you think SDS is bad..:
@BattleBones86 said in If you think SDS is bad..:
@VEGAS__T said in If you think SDS is bad..:
EA > SDS > 2k
NO. this is not apples to apples. EA and 2K are publishers... do you guys know the difference or just not care to be correct?
Purely rating them based on the games they put their name on. If you didn’t want to be associated with the game don’t put your name in BIG BOLD LETTERS on the f’n cover
Not to mention, you don't think they meddle with the games? Saying "put this in or that in" to take advantage of microtransactions? They are the model of how corporate meddling ruins games.
you're all wrong. period.
@BattleBones86 said in If you think SDS is bad..:
who said that you moron? you dopes are comparing SDS to publishers. SMH.....
publishers can code. they hire ppl to code. sometimes you hire idiots. every PUBLISHER has bad games tied to bad employees.
EA is 100X the video game publisher that Sony is. they have put out far more games. some of them will suck. thats the law of averages.
this is the stupidest conversation ever. you ppl have no idea how this industry works.
EA has won worst company in America three of the last five years, they earned their reputation.
And if you think they just stand by and just take stuff, that they have no influence on the games, YOU have no idea how this industry works.
@VEGAS__T said in If you think SDS is bad..:
@BattleBones86 said in If you think SDS is bad..:
you're all wrong. period.
yes. what are you 12? learn how the industry works and stop embarrassing yourself.
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@BattleBones86 said in If you think SDS is bad..:
@VEGAS__T said in If you think SDS is bad..:
@BattleBones86 said in If you think SDS is bad..:
you're all wrong. period.
yes. what are you 12? learn how the industry works and stop embarrassing yourself.
ok so you are either trolling or are just wilfully ignorant, I cant tell yet...
@BattleBones86 said in If you think SDS is bad..:
@VEGAS__T said in If you think SDS is bad..:
@BattleBones86 said in If you think SDS is bad..:
you're all wrong. period.
yes. what are you 12? learn how the industry works and stop embarrassing yourself.
You do realize that EA owns a ton of developers btw right? They aren't just a publisher. They own the developer that makes Madden (EA Tiburon), they own the developer that makes Fifa (EA Bucharest), I could go on and on, they make a ton of their own games.