RTTS Loadouts Not Working
Having the same issue
Same here I'm having the same exact issue. I hope it gets fixed soon!!
Having same issue but trying different techniques to fix it. I'll let you of I figure something out
Still not working completely but what I did is I chose a load out other than default. I deleted default. What ever load out is on top will be chosen. Mine is pitcher as load out one. If I need hitter I would need to delete pitcher. Then add pitcher/delete hitter load out. It sux but only way to get it working.
Same issue for me...all deone till fixed. If not fixed all done period.
This works. Good work around. -
It's not really a workorder because you have to rebuild your entire loadout, pitches, and equipment each time. That takes so much time that it is not worth it. It is very disappointing that they broke one of the only modes I care about because they just do not do any substantive QA testing.
Same error as last year only worse!! Last year it was random and intermittent, this year its super broken so hopefully they push a fix like soon!
I figured a better way. Just change your perks lmaooo each time. Just know when you about to start pitching a game. For example I have all hitter perks for 4 games then one game I change to all pitching perks. Then switch back to hitting perks. Keep all equipment the same.
Another workaround for this is not going back to the menu after every game. It'll force your default loadout in your first game from the RTTS menu but every game after won't force the default and whatever you choose will be what you play with. It's not perfect, and the first game of every series will be on your default, but I think it's better than deleting and remaking after every single game like some people have been doing.
So do they plan to fix this or should i just uninstall the game now?
@Dimanche33 My loadout choices have been working correctly since the last patch so ya, I think they have.
@Apollo4685 there hasnt been an update or patch on xbox since 3/28 when the update caused this