Post game player of the game
This interview never showed up before and your choices in conversation have zero bearing on anything. I realize this isnt game breaking or anything but it sure is annoying. Anyway to skip these ?
They replay every year you do it too. It is just as annoying as the MIA text you cannot skip
It was probably added just to slow people down.
It’s annoying as f&$k
If any developers monitor this thread, please get rid if this annoying feature.
Just had my first one. Said I was player of the game for the first time. Been in the a while now. I’ve been the best player on my team since I got called up. Mention to say this is my first time playing since the update. This game has so many bugs
Glad to see its not just me complaining. It wouldnt be so bad if it was better done but the reporters arm is shaped like a triangle and again your answers mean nothing. I know they needed to slow us down leveling but there has to be another way. This is so immersion breaking it makes the game not fun. It would be nice if they only did it at the end of a series
Honestly need to just get rid of it. It is a waste of time and not even needed.
This is punishment for Diamond Dynasty players glitching the program