Nintendo Switch MLB the Show 24 crash
I just purchased the game, and when I installed I completed the orientation game. Then when I tried to open diamond Dynasty, the game crashed while launching into the introduction moment.
I have tried re-installing, if you need a video please reply and let me know.
I am having the same issue here. I'm able to play games in other modes, but the game crashes on the lineup loading screen when loading into any diamond dynasty matches/moments.
Alot of people including me have had that same problem when playing DD, especially when the CPU brings in a relief pitcher
I can't play anything without it crashing
@aidandagawd i'm both glad and sad you have the same issue
Having the same issue myself! Currently re-downloading the software. I was able to open packs by going to my profile and going to the show shop, that’s it. Once I click through the tutorial and try to go to the first moment, my game crashes. I can’t even do the missions from the Home Screen
Wow this sucks /:
@WetBub yea the same thing is happening to me I go to do the tutorial and the moment that it has you do makes me crash
Has anyone heard anything from SD Studios? Having the same issues with the game crashing when I try to play the first moment in Diamond Dynasty
I've sent in multiple tickets but have yet to hear back
I've looked at if my console needed an update, nothing else is downloading or updating, and I've reset my console twice and I still have this issue. I am currently redownloading the software to see if it helps (it doesn't btw.) They really need to fix this
They said that they are looking into it
I have the same error, sometimes it happens to me when I enter a certain moment, sometimes when I am going to start conquest and also if I try to play in BR or Ranking. Does anyone know how to solve it??? Has SanDiegoStudios said anything about this problem???
This is crazy, why buy early access or the game at launch if we can’t play in it’s entirety
@FlacoWS23 seriously it’s ridiculous. It’s been like 5 days and still not a word from SDS
They have a post in here that they said that they are aware of it and they are working on fixing it
It's not just the first moment. It's all moments. I bypassed the first moment using my Xbox and connecting my two accounts. The moment you go into the season pass and try to do one of the moments. It just crashes the game. I'm not sure about the other game mode but it's not just the first moment. It's all of them. I can still grind the moments on my Xbox but I can't do anything about it on my switch. Edit- it's not just moments either. I can't even play vs. CPU, it crashes.
Can’t play conquest. Crashes every time
Everyone still having problems playing conquest or team affinity ? Mine just keeps crashing
Yes it’s still happening and they haven’t said anything