What a let down
I got a chase pack out of a show pack and thought maybe I'll get lucky and get a low diamond. Opened and saw blue, Josh Donaldson. Was really happy, until I saw his price. Oh well, it could have been worse. Should I just sell now, or will his price go up when the next pack is released?
Why would you sell him? There’s not a lot of great pitchers in the game so far
His price isn’t going up- chase packs are not the same as last year. They’re more common this year so the cards aren’t gonna be expensive
How are they more common when you have to buy a bundle to get them?
The pull rate is much higher than last year. I’ve seen Donaldson pulled a ton compared to how rare the chase card was pulled last year.
If it's set 1, it will most certainly go up in price once other sets are up and you need the collections to get better cards in the end game. Last year, I didn't lock in any cards and once the end of season sets came in, I made bank. It's a slow long wait, but worth it.