Challenge failed
@rockbottom310 said in Challenge failed:
@sdbsbl1010 thats what usually happens. It happened to my brother. He was playing online for weeks and then boom. He can’t play now for some reason.
So how would that be an issue with TMobile if it works sometimes and doesn't other times but can play anything else online?
I’ve been having the same problem and I don’t know how to fix it
@sdbsbl1010 said in Challenge failed:
@rockbottom310 said in Challenge failed:
Any update? I’ve seen that people with T-Mobile internet have experienced this more. Idk if that’s true though.
I have T-Mobile, it just started happening to me last night and still doing it. It's weird though it worked all day today. Last night it didn't work and tonight it isn't working again.
Yup. It’s happening to me too right now and I’m mad. Idk how to fix it like idk what to do
I tell you what that sounds like to me. Sounds like ISP bandwidth throttling. Doesn’t it? This certainly would explain all the symptoms across several of these posts but perhaps so would something else that I’m unaware of. I thought this wasn’t supposed to happen anymore but could be an explanation
Just started happening to me. I also have tmobile internet
I don't know if this will help you , but I recently had an issue with my internet, it worked sometimes and sometimes not , I lost a game I was winning because of lost connection.
Called my isp and they detected a problem with my connection. The technician came out and found a week connection outside and fixed it . So far so good. -
Okay, its not certain but after days and days of research the one thing that seems to have worked.. and now this could be just a lucky go at it but I went into my tmobile router app or whatever. I went ahead and switched the security from WPA2/WPA3 to just WPA2 so far its working.. tmobile home 5g network myself
Mine is doing that now
I ran into that issue last week. I also have T-Mobile home internet (TMHI). I have been able to do any of the online DD stuff with TMHI except online multiplayer matchmaking (ranked, BR, Events, Play with Friends, Online Rated). The only work around I have at the moment is I connect to the hotspot on my phone when I want to play with friends or online competitive and then hop back onto my TMHI whenever I'm doing anything else (to preserve hotspot data). I understand that I do live in the center of a major metropolitan area so if you live in a more rural area this option might not be the most feasible.
This is the best work around that I have right now--I've played 3 online games ranked/Play with Friends games so far using my hotspot and I've had no connectivity or speed issues and it has only taken up 0.53GB worth of usage on my hotspot plan
Not sure if it applies, but I heard there's a Custom Uniform Bug...If you have just a generic Custom Uni that hasn't been altered it keeps you out of all Online Modes. Any Modified Uniforms or MLB/MiLB uniforms work fine.
I just want the show to address the issue it’s starting to [censored] me off that I can’t play any online games I am literally building a dd just to not even be able to use it. Least they can do is address it I have sent complaints to them already just hoping something changes
Still an issue
Still an issue without a response
I have tried doing everything to fix it but nothing works. It started happening to me in the beginning on July and I haven’t been able to play online since then. On mlb the show 23 and 24. Itd be great if they would at
Least recognize this issue -
Still an issue without a response from SDS
Still an issue without a response from SDS
Make another thread about it. Three isn't enough.
Ok so I play on Xbox right. I went on Xbox cloud gaming with the same account and same internet as before except this time I’m on my phone. Same WiFi connected and T-Mobile provider but it worked on my phone and could play online. I find it odd it don’t work on my Xbox with the same internet and account but it works on Xbox cloud gaming on my phone with the same WiFi connected and same account
Possibly a Xbox server issue maybe then? Or is it still t mobile issues
i’ve been having the same issue uninstalled the game 3 times switched connections. attempted to use wired and wireless connections neither work everytime i try to join a game challenge failed i got lucky and got into one coop 3s games and then never again played a ranked game since try everyday to get into a ranked game. i also have tmobile and the amount of people i’ve been seeing on reddit threads and these forums is insane how can such an easy fix not be resolved.