Who else is not doing the live series collection this year?
I never rush the live series collection. I just collect as I'm going along and usually end up finishing it around June which is fine with me.
I also can't hit with Babe
I mean I can but I never feel that great about his cards
@BJDUBBYAH said in Who else is not doing the live series collection this year?:
I’m raking with the 85 Palmeiro
I love that card too, so far.
Yeah same, no plans on really completing it. No the players I wanted. If it happen, whoop dee-doo. But really meh on the game already in the first 2 days. Never been like this before. Usually early in the game's life is best for me because I like using Bronze, Silvers and golds to build up the team
Absolutely no rush whatsoever, i may do a test and see if i can pull all the cards without flipping for them, i've pulled Judge and Guerrero Jr so the AL East is looking good.
With the lack of new legends this year it's hard to get excited about it. But with the core cards being more valuable I may actually use more of these cards. We'll see I guess.
I’m not in a rush this year…..with the lower BR thresholds and the 90+ live series in the xp wheel, I expect the higher diamonds to get a bit cheaper sooner that previous years.
100% Not completing it until way down the road. As I do ever year though, I ALWAYS try to complete the sets that have no diamonds yet, and this year there are 15 of them (Half the league) so if you can at least lock those in, you wont have to worry about any of those cards going diamond later, and you'll have 15 teams to potentially grind players for Team Affinity with.
Im never really in a hurry to get it done but im also not actively avoiding it either. I'll open all my packs, lock everything into my collections and finish it eventually.
@SaberWolf269 This year and last year, the collections have objectively not been worth the stubs compared to what's available elsewhere. That's a fact.
That doesn't mean its not an advantage to get them done, its just not as much bang for your buck / time at all. Use those 2.5M stubs on grabbing the best cards on the market all year long and you'll be better off
No rush gonna just build my team do some of the easier ones and play the game. Besides events there is no need to actually win, I am just going to play and improve (not swing at every just off the plate) I love when they don't lock the new must have legend behind a collection When Chipper was the main reward I felt the game and the market was mich healthier for it