Pitch attributes not progressing is being worked on.
@darkblue1876_PSN Since you’re so disgruntled and an expert at video game creation you should do what the guy who made Legend Bowl did and put up or shut up. I believe that’s the saying. He was angry at Madden and made his own game. You make one and I’ll be your first customer. I won’t play it but I’ll buy it for the same $20 bucks I wasted on Legend Bowl.
@fubar2k7 That's right. Keep defending a game company that could care less about you. Good job simping there.
@darkblue1876_PSN I’m not defending them but I also don’t play games I hate unlike you apparently. I’m also supporting your future career in video game creating. You can do it.
So you are one of those "just shut up and take it". I see you on these boards with your "SDS cAn dO nO WrOnG" attitude. I don't hate the game, but when people like you try to bully anyone who has even the slightest complaints about the game into silence this game will never improve.
So to use your own logic against you. Have you ever complained about a movie? If so, what movie did you star in, write, produce or direct? Ever say "that band stinks?" If so what is the name of your band, and when do you go on tour? Ever say anything about a real world athlete/team? If so what team are you on?
Sorry, but It's my right to complain. You can disagree all you want, but don't think for one second I won't complain because some random online simp wants to get aggressive about it.
@darkblue1876 I guess now that I think about it most games are just roster updates with little visual update. But this year was different hitting and fielding gameplay along with new ideas. Some didn’t work and some did. I would think 24 edition has a chance to be something truly great because what they learned hopefully this year
@darkblue1876 Once again I never said they’re perfect but to be honest I have absolutely no clue what you think is wrong. All you say is the game sucks and is getting worse. They’re the new EA or new 2K. When clearly you haven’t played either title because trust me they are neither of those games. I think you’re just the new Skippractice at this point. We just have a different opinion of what this forum is for. I view it as useful tool you can come and get tips not a place you can come and say other games are better or this game blows. I could easily talk about how much better this game was before it became DD focused but I’d be talking to the wind and I know they make their money off DD. I can back that up with reviews of the game before and after DD was the main focus.
@fubar2k7 said in Pitch attributes not progressing is being worked on.:
They’re the new EA or new 2K. When clearly you haven’t played either title because trust me they are neither of those games.
That's another huge part of the problem. Too many people say "it's not EA/2K". That is setting the bar so low it nearly touches the ground.
EA used to rock when I was younger. It didn't just go from awesome to beyond greedy overnight. They did it just like SDS is doing. In small increments. They know the frog in the pot theory and will not move too far, too fast, but believe me, it won't be more than a couple more years of zero competition, and lowered standards/expectations before they are exactly the same.
@darkblue1876 As I said it isn’t perfect but you clearly don’t play either of those games. Go to the days when DD wasn’t the priority and you’ll find the best versions of this game. But you’ve never had games with missing teams like Madden, or players celebrating and flying off the field like a helicopter like Madden or play an entire game in franchise and win only to get a loss in the standings like Madden. I never played a night game and had my stadium have zero lights like NBA2K or my players have arms longer than Mr Fantastic like in NBA2K or have my players sink into the baseball diamond like they’re playing in quicksand. MLB The Show has tiny problems in comparison.
So is fix can i go back and play RTTS as pitcher or is still broken
@AngelTHeKiD928 said in Pitch attributes not progressing is being worked on.:
So is fix can i go back and play RTTS as pitcher or is still broken
Still broken.
@Taylon502 thanks
No at this point it no longer matters but update please is attribute still broken
@AngelTHeKiD928 They are at most a month from releasing cover athlete. From there it's final push to early access, followed by actual release. They are NOT going to fix this. I know it's horrible and it makes me not want to get 24 until I know what bugs it has, but that's the sad reality.
I was going to boot up the game to see if anything change but looks like it hasn’t! Definitely not going to buy 24 until all the bugs have been identified.
Has it been fix yes or no? I’m talking about broken attributes in RTTS
@AngelTHeKiD928 from what I heard, no.
@dandrecollier622 thanks
It's likely never going to be fixed because it's not a glitch. Progress your pitcher's career further than just the Minors and you'll see it increase beyond 37. My first game in the majors saw it increase to 38 and I just finished the NLCS heading for the World Series in my debut year (this season, The Show 24) and I've gotten 4SFB Velocity, Slider Break and Screwball Break attributes up to at least 40. One of the Break attributes is actually sitting at 41, I just don't remember for which pitch right now.
My attributes went past 37 and are now stuck at 39.
That's not true. I wrote a long series of threads on this topic at the Reddit MLB The Show sub-forum. But, all of these attributes in MLB 24 will advance eventually to their advertised cap of 50 for each individual attribute.
However, what does happen is that there is a bias that develops as they get nearer to the top. The attribute level reverts back to its previously held level, and this cycle repeats itself several times. The code appears to be operating on the basis that the attribute advances become logarithmic as the score gets higher. This makes it more and more difficult to further advance the attribute.
This reflects real life, though the clumsy way the game code shows it leaves people to believe there is a phony cap on the attribute scores in these areas. But eventually, you will reach the 50 cap.