Dynamic Difficulty
I keep moving up to now “Legend” hitting with a BA of .195 almost all through a season. Not fun. I’d love to see my BABIP. Soft fly out city!
I know I can lower it, but shouldn’t that be the point of DD?
The "point" of Dynamic Difficulty is to get the game's difficulty setting to match the skill of the person wielding the controller, not to align the character to some "MLB average".
As you said / alluded to, your BABIP, a reflection of your ability to push the right button at the right time, and not do so at the wrong time, is such that the game believes it can make it harder for you to do so via an increase to legend difficulty.
The fact that your character keeps hitting soft fly balls is a reflection of his in game stats. Best way I have of illustrating this is via this story:
I play exclusively on beginner difficulty. On the game to have fun and a power trip, not to actually stress. When my character has a power rating in the low to mid 90s, I absolutely hate the game, because his rating is now "high enough" to consistently hit bombs out to the warning track, but not high enough to clear the fence. As he gets to around 97 power, the HR count starts going up and I hear a lot less of Singleton's "last AB he almost hit a home run" and Giambi mentioning the warning track...